Properties |
Action property Specifies the security-related operations to be performed on a drawing.
Active property Determines if the document is the active document for the session.
ActiveDimStyle property Specifies the active dimension style.
ActiveDocument property Specifies the active document (drawing file).
ActiveLayer property Specifies the active layer.
ActiveLayout property Specifies the active layout.
ActiveLinetype property Specifies the active linetype for the drawing.
ActiveMaterial property Specifies the current default material for this document.
ActiveProfile property Specifies the active profile for the AutoCAD session.
ActivePViewport property Specifies the active paper space viewport for the drawing.
ActiveSelectionSet property Gets the active selection set for the drawing.
ActiveSpace property Toggles the active space between paper space and model space.
ActiveTextStyle property Specifies the active text style for the drawing.
ActiveUCS property Specifies the active UCS for the drawing.
ActiveViewport property Specifies the active viewport for the drawing.
ADCInsertUnitsDefaultSource property Determines the units to use automatically for objects in DesignCenter for a source drawing that does not have assigned insert units.
ADCInsertUnitsDefaultTarget property Determines the units to use automatically for objects in DesignCenter for a target drawing that does not have assigned insert units.
AdjustForBackground property Determines whether the underlay colors are adjusted for the current background color.
AffectsGraphics property Specifies that the entry in the File Dependency List affects graphics.
Algorithm property Specifies the identifier of the encryption algorithm.
Alignment property Specifies both the vertical and horizontal alignments for the attribute, attribute reference, or text.
AlignmentPointAcquisition property Specifies how AutoAlignment points are acquired.
AlignSpace property Specifies the AlignSpace of the mleaderstyle.
AllowedValues property Specifies the allowed values for the property.
AllowLongSymbolNames property Determines if symbol names may include extended character sets, or more than 31 characters.
AllowManualHeights property Toggles the manual heights in a table.
AllowManualPositions property Toggles the manual positions in a table.
AltFontFile property Specifies the location of the font file to use if AutoCAD can't locate the original font and an alternate font is not specified in the font mapping file.
AltRoundDistance property Specifies the rounding of alternate units.
AltSuppressLeadingZeros property Specifies the suppression of leading zeros in alternate dimension values.
AltSuppressTrailingZeros property Specifies the suppression of trailing zeros in alternate dimension values.
AltSuppressZeroFeet property Specifies the suppression of a zero foot measurement in alternate dimension values.
AltSuppressZeroInches property Specifies the suppression of a zero inch measurement in alternate dimension values.
AltTabletMenuFile property Specifies the path for an alternate menu to swap with the standard AutoCAD tablet menu.
AltTextPrefix property Specifies a prefix for the alternate dimension measurement for all dimension types except angular.
AltTextSuffix property Specifies a suffix for the alternate dimension measurement for all dimension types except angular.
AltTolerancePrecision property Specifies the precision of tolerance values in alternate dimensions.
AltToleranceSuppressLeadingZeros property Specifies the suppression of leading zeros in alternate dimension values.
AltToleranceSuppressTrailingZeros property Specifies the suppression of trailing zeros in alternate tolerance values.
AltToleranceSuppressZeroFeet property Specifies the suppression of a zero foot measurement in alternate tolerance values.
AltToleranceSuppressZeroInches property Specifies the suppression of a zero inch measurement in alternate tolerance values.
AltUnits property Enables dimensioning in alternate units.
AltUnitsFormat property Specifies the units format for alternate units of all dimensions except angular.
AltUnitsPrecision property Specifies the number of decimal places in alternate units.
AltUnitsScale property Specifies the scale factor for alternate units.
Angle property Gets the angle of a line.
AngleFormat property Specifies the unit format for angular dimensions.
AngleVertex property Specifies the angle vertex for the three-point angular dimension.
Annotation property Specifies the annotation object for a leader.
Annotative property Specifies the Annotative of the mleaderstyle.
Application property Gets the Application object.
ArcEndParam property Specifies the end parameter of the arc.
ArcLength property Gets the length of the arc.
ArcPoint property Specifies a point on the arc.
ArcSmoothness property Specifies the smoothness of circles, arcs, and ellipses.
ArcStartParam property Specifies the start parameter of the arc.
Area property Specifies the enclosed area of an arc, circle, ellipse, hatch, lightweight polyline, polyline, region, or planar-closed spline.
Arrowhead1Block property Specifies the block to use as the custom arrowhead for the first end of the dimension line.
Arrowhead1Type property Specifies the type of arrowhead for the first end of the dimension line.
Arrowhead2Block property Specifies the block to use as the custom arrowhead for the second end of the dimension line.
Arrowhead2Type property Specifies the type of arrowhead for the second end of the dimension line.
ArrowheadBlock property Specifies the block to use as the custom arrowhead for a radial dimension or leader line.
ArrowheadSize property Specifies the size of dimension line arrowheads, leader line arrowheads, and hook lines.
ArrowheadType property Specifies the type of arrowhead for the radial dimension or leader.
ArrowSize property Specifies the arrowSize of the mleaderstyle.
ArrowSymbol property Specifies the ArrowSymbol of the mleaderstyle.
AssociativeHatch property Specifies whether the hatch is associative.
AttachmentPoint property Specifies the attachment point for an MText object.
Author property Specifies the author of the drawing.
AutoAudit property Specifies whether AutoCAD should perform an audit after you render a DXFIN or DXBIN interchange command.
AutomaticPlotLog property Specifies whether to automatically save a Plot or Publish log.
AutoSaveInterval property Specifies an automatic save interval in minutes.
AutoSavePath property Specifies the path for the file that is created if you enable automatic save using the AutoSaveInterval property.
AutoSnapAperture property Toggles the display of the AutoSnap aperture.
AutoSnapApertureSize property Specifies the size of the AutoSnap aperture.
AutoSnapMagnet property Toggles the AutoSnap magnet.
AutoSnapMarker property Toggles the AutoSnap marker.
AutoSnapMarkerColor property Specifies the color of the AutoSnap marker.
AutoSnapMarkerSize property Specifies the size of the AutoSnap marker.
AutoSnapToolTip property Toggles the AutoSnap tooltips.
AutoTrackingVecColor property Specifies the color of the auto tracking vector.
AutoTrackTooltip property Toggles the display of the AutoTrack tooltips.
AxisDirection property Displays the direction of the axis of revolution.
AxisPosition property Specifies the start point of the axis of revolution.
BackgroundFill property Specifies whether multiline text has a background fill.
BackgroundLinesColor property Specifies the color of background lines.
BackgroundLinesHiddenLine property Specifies the hidden line visibility of background lines.
BackgroundLinesLayer property Specifies the layer of background lines.
BackgroundLinesLinetype property Specifies the linetype of background lines.
BackgroundLinesLinetypeScale property Specifies the linetype scale of background lines.
BackgroundLinesLineweight property Specifies the line weight of background lines.
BackgroundLinesPlotStyleName property Specifies the plot style name of background lines.
BackgroundLinesVisible property Specifies the visibility of background lines.
Backward property Specifies the direction of text.
Bank property Specifies whether or not the profile curve twists and rotates along a 3D path.
BasePoint property Specifies the point through which the ray or xline passes.
BaseRadius property Specifies the base radius of the helix.
BatchPlotProgress property Gets the current status of the batch plot, or terminates the batch plot.
BeepOnError property Specifies if AutoCAD should sound an alarm beep when it detects an invalid entry.
BigFontFile property Specifies the name of the Big Font file associated with the text or attribute.
BitFlags property Specifies the bit flag values of a style.
Block property Gets the block associated with the layout.
Block property Specifies the Block of the mleaderstyle.
BlockColor property Specifies the BlockColor of the mleaderstyle.
BlockConnectionType property The types of block connection a multileader can have.
Blocks property Gets the Blocks collection for the drawing.
BlockScale property Specifies the BlockScale of the mleaderstyle.
BlockScaling property Specifies the scaling allowed for the block.
Blue property Specifies the blue component of the True Color.
BookName property Specifies the book name (if any) of the color.
BottomHeight property Specifies elevation of section plane bottom extents relative to the object’s elevation.
BreaksEnabled property Toggles the breaks in a table.
BreakSize property Specifies the BreakSize of the mleaderstyle.
BreakSpacing property Toggles the break spacing in a table.
Brightness property Specifies the current brightness value of an image.
CanonicalMediaName property Specifies the paper size by name.
Caption property Gets the text that the user sees displayed for the application or a menu item.
CategoryName property Specifies the category name of a view.
Center property Specifies the center of an arc, circle, ellipse, view, or viewport.
CenterMarkSize property Specifies the size of the center mark for radial and diameter dimensions.
CenterPlot property Specifies the centering of the plot on the media.
CenterPoint property Specifies the center of the arc.
CenterType property Specifies the type of center mark for radial and diameter dimensions.
Centroid property Gets the center of area or mass for a region or solid.
Check property Specifies the check status for the popup menu item.
ChordPoint property Specifies the chord point for the arc.
Circumference property Specifies the circumference of a circle.
Clipped property Determines if the viewport has been clipped.
ClippingEnabled property Enables or disables the clipping boundary.
Closed property Specifies whether the 3D polyline, lightweight polyline, lofted surface, polyline, or spline is open or closed.
Color property Specifies the color of an object or layer.
ColorBookPath property Sets the color book path.
ColorIndex property Specifies the color index.
ColorMethod property Specifies the color method.
ColorName property Specifies the name (if any) of the color.
Columns property Specifies the number of columns in a block array.
Columns property Specifies the number of columns in the table.
ColumnSpacing property Specifies the spacing of the columns in a block array.
ColumnWidth property Specifies the uniform width of all columns in the table.
Comment property Specifies the comment to be included with a digital signature.
Comments property Specifies the comments for the block.
Comments property Specifies the comments you want to use to locate the drawing.
ConfigFile property Gets the location of the configuration file used to store hardware device driver information.
ConfigName property Specifies the plotter configuration name.
Constant property Specifies whether the attribute or attribute reference is constant or not.
ConstantWidth property Specifies a global width for all segments in a polyline.
Constrain property Controls which property is constrained when editing other property values.
ContentBlockName property The name of the content block.
ContentBlockType property The type of the content block.
ContentType property Specifies the content type.
ContinuousPlotLog property Specifies whether to save a continuous Plot log.
ContourlinesPerSurface property Specifies the number of contour lines (isolines) per surface on objects.
Contrast property Specifies the current contrast value of an image or underlay.
ControlPoints property Specifies the control points of a spline.
Coordinate property Specifies the coordinate of a single vertex in the object.
Coordinates property Specifies the coordinates for each vertex in the object.
Count property Gets the number of items in the object.
CreateBackup property Specifies the use of a backup file.
CurrentSectionType property Specifies the current section type.
CursorSize property Specifies the crosshairs size as a percentage of the screen size.
CurveTangencyLinesColor property Specifies the color of curve tangency lines.
CurveTangencyLinesLayer property Specifies the layer of curve tangency lines.
CurveTangencyLinesLinetype property Specifies the linetype of curve tangency lines.
CurveTangencyLinesLinetypeScale property Specifies the linetype scale of curve tangency lines.
CurveTangencyLinesLineweight property Specifies the line weight of curve tangency lines.
CurveTangencyLinesPlotStyleName property Specifies the plot style name of curve tangency lines.
CurveTangencyLinesVisible property Specifies the visibility of curve tangency lines.
CustomDictionary property Specifies a custom dictionary to use if you have one.
CustomIconPath property Specifies the search path for custom icons
CustomScale property Specifies the custom scale factor for the viewport.
Database property Gets the database in which the object belongs.
DecimalSeparator property Specifies the character to be used as the decimal separator in decimal dimension and tolerance values.
DefaultInternetURL property Specifies the default Internet address.
DefaultOutputDevice property Specifies the default output device for new layouts and model space.
DefaultPlotStyleForLayer property Specifies the default plot style for Layer 0 for new drawings or drawings created with earlier releases of AutoCAD that have never been saved in AutoCAD 2000 or later format.
DefaultPlotStyleForObjects property Specifies the default plot style name for newly created objects.
DefaultPlotStyleTable property Specifies the default plot style table to attach to new drawings.
DefaultPlotToFilePath property Sets the default location for plot to file operations.
DefaultPlotToFilePath property Specifies the default path for plotting to a file.
Degree property Gets the degree of the spline's polynomial representation.
Delta property Gets the delta of a line.
DemandLoadArxApp property Specifies whether AutoCAD demand-loads a third-party application if a drawing contains custom objects.
Description property Specifies the description of an object.
DestinationBlock property Specifies the destination block for section generation.
DestinationFile property Specifies the destination file for section generation.
Diameter property Specifies the diameter of a circle.
Dictionaries property Gets the Dictionaries collection for the document.
DimensionLineColor property Specifies the color of the dimension line for a dimension, leader, or tolerance object.
DimensionLineExtend property Specifies the distance the dimension line extends beyond the extension line when oblique strokes are drawn instead of arrowheads.
DimensionLinetype property Specifies the linetype of the dimension line (DIMLTYPE system variable).
DimensionLineWeight property Specifies the lineweight for the dimension lines.
DimLine1Suppress property Specifies the suppression of the first dimension line.
DimLine2Suppress property Specifies the suppression of the second dimension line.
DimLineInside property Specifies the display of dimension lines inside the extension lines only.
DimLineSuppress property Specifies the suppression of the dimension line for radial dimensions.
DimStyles property Gets the DimStyles collection for the document.
Direction property Specifies the viewing direction for a 3D visualization of the drawing, or the direction vector of the table.
DirectionVector property Specifies the direction for the ray, tolerance, or xline through a vector.
Display property Gets the PreferencesDisplay object.
DisplayGrips property Controls the display of selection set grips for the Stretch, Move, Rotate, Scale, and Mirror grip modes.
DisplayGripsWithinBlocks property Controls the assignment of grips within blocks.
DisplayLayoutTabs property Specifies whether to display the Model and layout tabs in the drawing editor.
DisplayLocked property Specifies whether the viewport is locked.
DisplayOLEScale property Determines whether the OLE scaling dialog is displayed when OLE objects are inserted into a drawing.
DisplayScreenMenu property Specifies whether to display the screen menu on the right side of the drawing window.
DisplayScrollBars property Specifies whether to display scroll bars at the bottom and right sides of the drawing window.
DisplaySilhouette property Controls whether silhouette curves of solid objects are displayed in Wireframe mode.
DockedVisibleLines property Specifies the number of lines of text to display in the command window.
DockStatus property Specifies whether the toolbar is docked or floating.
Document property Gets the document (drawing) in which the object belongs.
Documents property Gets the Documents collection.
DogLegged property The status of the dog-leg.
DoglegLength property The length of the dog-leg.
Drafting property Gets the PreferencesDrafting object.
DrawingDirection property Specifies the direction in which the mtext paragraph is to be read.
DrawLeaderOrderType property Specifies the drawLeaderOrderType of the mleaderstyle.
DrawMLeaderOrderType property Specifies the drawMLeaderOrderType of the mleaderstyle.
DriversPath property Specifies the directory in which AutoCAD looks for ADI device drivers for the video display, pointing devices, printers, and plotters.
EffectiveName property Specifies the original block name.
Elevation property Specifies the current elevation of the hatch, polyline, or section.
ElevationModelSpace property Specifies the elevation setting in model space.
ElevationPaperSpace property Specifies the elevation setting in paper space.
Enable property Enables the popup menu item. Specifies the name of the object.
EnableBlockRotation property Specifies the EnableBlockRotation of the mleaderstyle.
EnableBlockScale property Specifies the EnableBlockScale of the mleaderstyle.
EnableDogleg property Specifies the enableDogleg of the mleaderstyle.
EnableFrameText property Specifies the EnableFrameText of the mleaderstyle.
EnableLanding property Specifies the enableLanding of the mleaderstyle.
EnableShadowDisplay property Specifies whether the shadow display property is enabled for the object.
EnableStartupDialog property Specifies whether a startup dialog box is displayed when AutoCAD is launched or a new drawing is created.
EndAngle property Specifies the end angle of an arc or ellipse.
EndDraftAngle property Specifies the draft angle of the surface for the last cross section.
EndDraftMagnitude property Specifies the draft magnitude of the surface for the last cross section.
EndParameter property Specifies the end parameter for an ellipse.
EndPoint property Specifies the endpoint for the arc, line, or ellipse.
EndSubMenuLevel property Specifies the last item in a submenu.
EndTangent property Specifies the end tangent of the spline as a directional vector.
EnterpriseMenuFile property Specifies the location of the enterprise menu file
EntityColor property Specifies the color value of the true color.
Explodable property Specifies whether the block can be exploded.
ExtensionLineColor property Specifies the color for dimension extension lines.
ExtensionLineExtend property Specifies the distance the extension line extends beyond the dimension line.
ExtensionLineOffset property Specifies the distance the extension lines are offset from the origin points.
ExtensionLineWeight property Specifies the lineweight for the extension lines.
ExtLine1EndPoint property Specifies the endpoint of the first extension line.
ExtLine1Linetype property Specifies the linetype of the first extension line (DIMLTEX1 system variable).
ExtLine1Point property Specifies the origin of extension line 1.
ExtLine1StartPoint property Specifies the start point of the first extension line.
ExtLine1Suppress property Specifies the suppression of the first extension line.
ExtLine2EndPoint property Specifies the endpoint of the second extension line.
ExtLine2Linetype property Specifies the linetype of the second extension line (DIMLTEX2 system variable).
ExtLine2Point property Specifies the origin of extension line 2.
ExtLine2StartPoint property Specifies the start point of the second extension line.
ExtLine2Suppress property Specifies the suppression of the second extension line.
ExtLineFixedLen property Set extension line fixed length (DIMFXL system variable).
ExtLineFixedLenSuppress property Sets suppression of extension line fixed length On or Off (DIMFXLON system variable).
Fade property Specifies the current fade value of a raster or underlay image.
Feature property Specifies the feature name of an entry in the File Dependency List.
FieldLength property Specifies the field length of the attribute.
File property Specifies the path to the underlay file.
FileName property Specifies the file name of an entry in the File Dependency List.
Files property Gets the PreferencesFiles object.
FileSize property Specifies the file size of an entry in the File Dependency List.
FingerprintGUID property Specifies the Fingerprint GUID of an entry in the File Dependency List.
FirstSegmentAngleConstraint property Specifies the FirstSegmentAngleConstraint of the mleaderstyle.
Fit property Specifies the placement of text and arrowheads inside or outside extension lines, based on the available space between the extension lines.
FitPoints property Specifies the fit points of a spline.
FitTolerance property Refits the spline to the existing points with new tolerance values.
FloatingRows property Specifies the number of rows for a floating toolbar.
FlowDirection property Specifies whether the title and header rows are at the bottom or the top of the table.
Flyout property Gets the toolbar associated with a flyout toolbar item.
FontFile property Specifies the primary font file name and the path.
FontFileMap property Specifies the location of the file that defines how AutoCAD should convert unfound fonts.
ForceLineInside property Specifies whether a dimension line is drawn between the extension lines even when the text is placed outside the extension lines.
ForegroundLinesColor property Specifies the color of foreground lines.
ForegroundLinesEdgeTransparency property Specifies the edge transparency of foreground lines.
ForegroundLinesFaceTransparency property Specifies the face transparency of foreground lines.
ForegroundLinesHiddenLine property Specifies the hidden line visibility of foreground lines.
ForegroundLinesLayer property Specifies the layer of foreground lines.
ForegroundLinesLinetype property Specifies the linetype of foreground lines.
ForegroundLinesLinetypeScale property Specifies the linetype scale of foreground lines.
ForegroundLinesLineweight property Specifies the line weight of foreground lines.
ForegroundLinesPlotStyleName property Specifies the plot style name of foreground lines.
ForegroundLinesVisible property Specifies the visibility of foreground lines.
FoundPath property Specifies an alternate path of an entry in the File Dependency List.
FractionFormat property Specifies the format of fractional values in dimensions and tolerances.
Freeze property Specifies the freeze status of a layer.
FullCRCValidation property Specifies whether a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) should be performed each time an object is read into the drawing.
FullFileName property Specifies the saved full path name of an entry in the File Dependency List.
FullName property Gets the name of the application or document, including the path.
FullScreenTrackingVector property Toggles the display of full-screen tracking vectors.
GenerationOptions property Specifies the section generation options.
GradientAngle property Specifies the gradient angle.
GradientCentered property Specifies whether the gradient is centered.
GradientColor1 property Specifies the start color of the gradient.
GradientColor2 property Specifies the end color of the gradient.
GradientName property Specifies the pattern name of the gradient.
GraphicsWinLayoutBackgrndColor property Specifies the background color for the paper space layouts.
GraphicsWinModelBackgrndColor property Specifies the background color for the model space window.
Green property Specifies the green component of the True Color.
GridOn property Specifies the status of the viewport grid.
GripColorSelected property Specifies the color of selected grips.
GripColorUnselected property Specifies the color of unselected grips.
GripSize property Specifies the size of grips.
Groups property Gets the Groups collection for the document.
Handle property Gets the handle of an object.
HasAttributes property Specifies whether the block has any attributes in it.
HasExtensionDictionary property Determines whether the object has an extension dictionary associated with it.
HasLeader property Specifies whether the dimension has a leader.
HasSheetView property Specifies whether the viewport is linked to a corresponding sheet view.
HasSubSelection property Specifies whether the table contains a subselection set.
HasVpAssociation property Specifies whether the view is associated with a paper space viewport.
HatchObjectType property Specifies the type of the hatch, classic or gradient.
HatchStyle property Specifies the hatch style.
HeaderSuppressed property Specifies whether the header of the table is suppressed.
Height property Specifies the height of the extrusion.
Height property Changes the height of the attribute, helix, shape, text, or underlay object, the view toolbar, or the main application window.
Height property Specifies the height of the OLE object box.
Height property Specifies the height of the table.
HelpFilePath property Specifies the location of the AutoCAD Help file.
HelpString property Specifies the Help string for the toolbar, toolbar item, or menu item.
History property Specifies whether history is saved.
HistoryLines property Specifies the number of lines of text in the text window to keep in memory.
HorizontalTextPosition property Specifies the horizontal justification for dimension text.
HorzCellMargin property Specifies the value of the horizontal margin of cells.
HWND property Gets the window handle of the window frame.
HWND32 property Gets the window handle of the window frame for a 64-bit system.
HyperlinkBase property Specifies the base address used for all relative links inserted within the drawing.
HyperlinkDisplayCursor property Toggles the display of the hyperlink cursor and shortcut menu.
HyperlinkDisplayTooltip property Toggles the display of hyperlink tooltips.
Hyperlinks property Gets the Hyperlinks collection for an entity.
ImageFile property Specifies the full path and file name of the raster image file.
ImageFrameHighlight property Controls the display of raster images during selection.
ImageHeight property Specifies the height of the raster image.
ImageVisibility property Specifies whether image visibility is on or off.
ImageWidth property Specifies the width of the raster image.
IncrementalSavePercent property Specifies the percentage of wasted space allowed in a drawing file.
Index property Specifies the index of the menu or toolbar item.
Index property - FDL Specifies the index of an entry in the File Dependency List.
IndicatorFillColor property Specifies color of section plane when shading is turned on.
IndicatorTransparency property Specifies transparency of section plane when shading is turned on.
InsertionPoint property Insertion point for a tolerance, text, block, or shape.
InsertionPoint property Specifies the origin coordinates (upper-left corner) of the OLE object.
InsUnits property Specifies the insert units saved with the block.
InsUnitsFactor property Specifies the conversion factor between block units and drawing units.
IntersectionBoundaryColor property Specifies the color of intersection boundary.
IntersectionBoundaryDivisionLines property Specifies whether division lines are shown in intersection boundary.
IntersectionBoundaryLayer property Specifies the layer of intersection boundary.
IntersectionBoundaryLinetype property Specifies the linetype of intersection boundary.
IntersectionBoundaryLinetypeScale property Specifies the linetype scale of intersection boundary.
IntersectionBoundaryLineweight property Specifies the line weight of intersection boundary.
IntersectionBoundaryPlotStyleName property Specifies the plot style name of intersection boundary.
IntersectionFillColor property Specifies the color of intersection fill.
IntersectionFillFaceTransparency property Specifies the face transparency of intersection fill.
IntersectionFillHatchAngle property Specifies the hatch angle for intersection fill.
IntersectionFillHatchPatternName property Specifies the hatch pattern name for intersection fill.
IntersectionFillHatchPatternType property Specifies the hatch pattern type for intersection fill.
IntersectionFillHatchScale property Specifies the hatch scale for intersection fill.
IntersectionFillHatchSpacing property Specifies the hatch spacing for intersection fill.
IntersectionFillLayer property Specifies the layer of intersection fill.
IntersectionFillLinetype property Specifies the linetype of intersection fill.
IntersectionFillLinetypeScale property Specifies the linetype scale of intersection fill.
IntersectionFillLineweight property Specifies the line weight of intersection fill.
IntersectionFillPlotStyleName property Specifies the plot style name of intersection fill.
IntersectionFillVisible property Specifies the visibility of intersection fill.
Invisible property Specifies whether the attribute or attribute reference is invisible.
IsCloned property Determines whether the source object in a CopyObjects operation has been cloned.
IsDynamicBlock property Specifies whether this is a dynamic block.
IsLayout property Determines whether the given block is a layout block.
IsModified property Specifies whether an entry in the File Dependency List was modified.
ISOPenWidth property Specifies the ISO pen width of an ISO hatch pattern.
IsOwnerXlated property Determines whether the owning object in a CopyObjects operation has been translated.
IsPartial property Specifies whether the dimension is for a partial arc.
IsPeriodic property Determines whether the given spline is periodic.
IsPlanar property Determines whether the given spline is planar.
IsPrimary property Determines whether the source object in a CopyObjects operation was part of the primary set of objects being copied, or if it was simply owned by a member in the primary set.
IsQuiescent property Checks whether AutoCAD is idle and ready to accept automation calls from out-of-process applications.
IsRational property Determines whether the given spline is rational.
Issuer property Specifies the issuer name of the digital certificate.
IsXRef property Determines whether the given block is an XRef block.
ItemName property Specifies the item of the underlay file.
JogAngle property Specifies the jog angle.
JogLocation property Specifies the jog location or pick point.
Justification property Specifies the justification of the MLine.
Key property The object ID of the source object in the CopyObjects operation.
Key32 property The object ID of the source object in the CopyObjects operation for a 64-bit system.
KeyboardAccelerator property Specifies the Windows standard or AutoCAD classic keyboard.
KeyboardPriority property Controls how AutoCAD responds to the input of coordinate data.
KeyLength property Specifies the length of the encryption key.
Keywords property Specifies the keywords you want to use to locate the drawing.
Knots property Gets the knot vector for a spline.
Label property Specifies the content and formatting of menu items as they appear to the user.
LabelBlockId property Returns and sets the label block ID associated with the viewport.
LabelBlockId32 property Returns and sets the label block ID associated with the viewport for a 64-bit system.
LandingGap property The text landing gap.
LargeButtons property Specifies whether the toolbar button is large or small.
LastHeight property Specifies the last text height used.
LastSavedBy property Specifies the name of the last person who modified the file.
Layer property Specifies the layer for an object.
LayerOn property Specifies the state of a layer.
Layers property Gets the Layers collection for the document.
LayerState property Specifies the name of the layer state of the view.
Layout property Specifies the layout associated with the model space, paper space, or block object.
LayoutCreateViewport property Toggles the automatic creation of a viewport for new layouts.
LayoutCrosshairColor property Specifies the color of the crosshairs and text for paper space layouts.
LayoutDisplayMargins property Toggles the display of margins in layouts.
LayoutDisplayPaper property Toggles the display of the paper background in layouts.
LayoutDisplayPaperShadow property Toggles the display of the paper background shadow in layouts.
LayoutID property Specifies the layout of the view.
LayoutID32 property Specifies the layout of the view for a 64-bit system.
Layouts property Gets the Layouts collection for the document.
LayoutShowPlotSetup property Toggles the display of the Plot Setup dialog when a new layout is created.
Leader1Point property Specifies the origin of leader 1.
Leader2Point property Specifies the origin of leader 2.
LeaderLength property Specifies the length of the leader on the diameter or radius dimension.
LeaderLineColor property Specifies the color of the leader lines.
LeaderLinetype property Specifies the type of the leader lines.
LeaderLineTypeId property Specifies the linetype of leader lines of the mleaderstyle.
LeaderLineWeight property Specifies the weight of the leader lines.
LeaderType property Specifies the type of the leader.
Left property Specifies the left edge of a toolbar.
Length property Gets the length of an object.
LensLength property Specifies the lens length used in perspective viewing.
Limits property Specifies the drawing limits.
LinearScaleFactor property Specifies a global scale factor for linear dimensioning measurements.
LineSpacingDistance property Specifies the spacing of multiline text.
LineSpacingFactor property Specifies the relative line spacing factor for the MText object.
LineSpacingStyle property Specifies the line spacing style for the MText object.
Linetype property Specifies the linetype of an object.
LinetypeGeneration property Specifies the linetype generation of a 2D polyline or a lightweight polyline.
Linetypes property Gets the Linetypes collection for the document.
LinetypeScale property Specifies the linetype scale of an object.
Lineweight property Specifies the lineweight of an individual object or the default lineweight for the drawing.
LineweightDisplay property Specifies whether lineweights are displayed in model space for the drawing.
LiveSectionEnabled property Turns live section on or off for this section object.
LoadAcadLspInAllDocuments property Specifies whether acad.lsp is loaded at startup or with each drawing.
LocaleID property Gets the locale ID of the current AutoCAD session.
Lock property Locks or unlocks a layer.
LockAspectRatio property Ensures that the width and height of the object stay in proportion.
LockPosition property Specifies whether the attribute or attribute reference may be moved relative to the geometry in the block.
LogFileOn property Specifies whether the contents of the text window are written to a log file.
LogFilePath property Specifies the location for the log file.
LowerLeftCorner property Gets the lower-left corner of the current active viewport.
Macro property Specifies the macro for the menu or toolbar item.
MainDictionary property Specifies the current dictionary to use for spell checking.
MajorAxis property Specifies the direction of the major axis of the ellipse.
MajorRadius property Specifies the length of the major axis of the ellipse.
Mask property Specifies the layer properties to be restored.
Material property Specifies the name of the material
Material property Returns the material of a table.
Materials property Returns the materials collection for the database.
MaxActiveViewports property Specifies the maximum number of active viewports.
MaxAutoCADWindow property Specifies whether the AutoCAD window should fill the entire screen area when you start.
MaxLeaderSegmentsPoints property Specifies the maxLeaderSegmentsPoints of the mleaderstyle.
Mclose property Specifies whether the PolygonMesh is closed in the M direction.
Mdensity property Specifies the surface density of a PolygonMesh in the M direction.
Measurement property Gets the measurement for the dimension.
MenuBar property Gets the MenuBar object for the session.
MenuFile property Specifies the location of the AutoCAD customization file for the session.
MenuFileName property Gets the customization file name where the menu group is located.
MenuGroups property Gets the MenuGroups collection for the session.
Menus property Gets the PopupMenus collection.
MinimumTableHeight property Specifies the minimum height of the table.
MinimumTableWidth property Specifies the minimum width of the table.
MinorAxis property Specifies the direction of the minor axis of an ellipse.
MinorRadius property Specifies the length of the minor axis of the ellipse.
MLineScale property Specifies the scale of the MLine
Mode property Specifies the mode of the attribute definition.
ModelCrosshairColor property Specifies the color of the crosshairs and text for model space.
ModelSpace property Gets the ModelSpace collection for the document.
ModelType property Specifies whether a plot configuration applies to model space or to all layouts.
ModelView property Returns and sets the model view associated with the viewport.
MomentOfInertia property Gets the moment of inertia for the solid.
Monochrome property Determines whether underlay is monochrome.
MRUNumber property Specifies the number of most recently used files that is shown in the File menu.
MSpace property Allows editing of the model from floating paper space viewports.
MTextAttribute property Determines if the attribute is multi-line.
MTextAttribute property Determines if the attribute is multi-line.
MTextAttribute property Determines if the attribute is multi-line.
MTextAttributeContent property Gets the multi-line attribute content.
MTextAttributeContent property Gets the multi-line attribute content.
MTextAttributeContent property Gets the multi-line attribute content.
MTextBoundaryWidth property Determines the width of text boundary for the MText.
MTextBoundaryWidth property Determines the width of text boundary for the MText.
MTextDrawingDirection property Determines the drawing direction for the MText.
MTextDrawingDirection property Determines the drawing direction for the MText.
MVertexCount property Gets the vertex count in the M direction for a PolygonMesh.
Name property Specifies the name of the object.
NameNoMnemonic property Specifies the name of the popup menu without the underscore mnemonic.
Nclose property Specifies whether the PolygonMesh is closed in the N direction.
NDensity property Specifies the smooth surface density of a PolygonMesh in the N direction.
Normal property Specifies the three-dimensional normal unit vector for the object.
NumberOfControlPoints property Gets the number of control points of the spline.
NumberOfCopies property Specifies the number of copies to plot.
NumberOfFaces property Gets the number of faces for the PolyfaceMesh.
NumberOfFitPoints property Gets the number of fit points of the spline.
NumberOfLoops property Gets the number of loops in the hatch boundary.
NumberOfVertices property Gets the number of vertices for the PolyfaceMesh.
NumCellStyles property The number of cell styles a table has.
NumCrossSections property Displays the number of cross-section curves used.
NumGuidePaths property Displays the number of guide paths used.
NumVertices property Gets the number of vertices in the section line.
NVertexCount property Gets the vertex count in the N direction for a PolygonMesh.
ObjectID property Gets the object ID.
ObjectID32 property Gets the object ID for a 64-bit system.
ObjectName property Gets the AutoCAD class name of the object.
ObjectSnapMode property Specifies the setting of the object snap mode.
ObjectSortByPlotting property Toggles sorting of drawing objects by plotting order.
ObjectSortByPSOutput property Toggles sorting of drawing objects by PostScript output order.
ObjectSortByRedraws property Toggles sorting of drawing objects by redraw order.
ObjectSortByRegens property Toggles sorting of drawing objects by regeneration order.
ObjectSortBySelection property Toggles sorting of drawing objects by object selection.
ObjectSortBySnap property Toggles sorting of drawing objects by object snap.
ObliqueAngle property Specifies the oblique angle of the object.
OleItemType property Specifies whether the OLE object is linked to the original pasted file when opening the object for editing.
OLELaunch property Determines whether to launch the parent application when plotting OLE objects.
OlePlotQuality property Controls the plot quality of an OLE object based on the file type selected from the list.
OLEQuality property Specifies the plot quality of OLE objects.
OleSourceApp property Specifies the application for editing the OLE object.
OnMenuBar property Determines if the specified popup menu is on the menu bar.
OpenSave property Gets the PreferencesOpenSave object.
Origin property Specifies the origin of the UCS, block, layout, hatch, or raster image in WCS coordinates.
OrthoOn property Specifies the status of the Isometric snap mode for the viewport.
Output property Gets the PreferencesOutput object.
OverrideCenter property Specifies the override center location or pick point.
OwnerID property Gets the object ID of the owner (parent) object.
OwnerID property Gets the object ID of the owner (parent) object
OwnerID32 property Gets the object ID of the owner (parent) object for 64-bit systems.
PageSetupOverridesTemplateFile property Specifies the default template for Page Setup overrides.
PaperSpace property Gets the PaperSpace collection for the document.
PaperUnits property Specifies the units for the display of layout or plot configuration properties.
Parent property Gets the parent of the object.
Password property Specifies the encryption password.
Path property Gets the path of the block, document, application, or external reference.
PatternAngle property Specifies the angle of the hatch pattern.
PatternDouble property Specifies if the user-defined hatch is double-hatched.
PatternName property Specifies the hatch pattern name.
PatternScale property Specifies the hatch pattern scale.
PatternSpace property Specifies the user-defined hatch pattern spacing.
PatternType property Gets the pattern type used for the hatch.
Perimeter property Gets the total length of the inner and outer region loops.
PickAdd property Determines if objects are added to the selection set using the SHIFT key.
PickAuto property Controls automatic windowing at the Select Objects prompt.
PickBoxSize property Specifies the size of the object selection target.
PickDrag property Controls the method of drawing a selection window.
PickFirst property Determines if you select objects before (noun-verb selection) or after you issue a command.
PickfirstSelectionSet property Gets the pickfirst selection set.
PickGroup property Determines if picking a single object in a group selects the entire group.
Plot property Gets the Plot object for the document.
PlotConfigurations property Gets the PlotConfigurations collection for the document.
PlotHidden property Specifies if objects are to be hidden during a plot.
PlotLegacy property Toggles whether legacy plot scripts are allowed to run.
PlotLogFilePath property Specifies the path of the Plot log file.
PlotOrigin property Specifies the origin of the UCS, block, layout, or raster image in WCS coordinates.
PlotPolicy property Determines whether an object's color property is associated with its plot style name when a new drawing is created.
PlotRotation property Specifies the rotation angle for the layout or plot configuration.
PlotStyleName property Specifies the plot style name for an object, group of objects, or layer.
Plottable property Specifies if the layer is plottable.
PlotType property Specifies the type of layout or plot configuration.
PlotViewportBorders property Specifies if the viewport borders are to be plotted.
PlotViewportsFirst property Specifies if all geometry in paper space viewports is plotted first.
PlotWithLineweights property Specifies whether objects plot with the lineweights they're assigned in the plot file, or with the lineweights in the drawing file.
PlotWithPlotStyles property Specifies whether or not to plot using the plot styles that are applied to objects and defined in the plot style table.
PolarTrackingVector property Toggles the display of polar tracking vectors.
Position property Specifies the X, Y, Z coordinate for center of the base or center of the solid, or the origin for the DWF underlay.
PostScriptPrologFile property Specifies a name for a customized prolog section in the acad.psf file.
Preferences property Gets the Preferences object.
Preset property Specifies if the attribute is preset.
PrimaryUnitsPrecision property Specifies the number of decimal places displayed for the primary units of a dimension or tolerance.
PrincipalDirections property Gets the principal directions of the solid or region.
PrincipalMoments property Gets the principal moments property of the solid or region.
PrinterConfigPath property Specifies the location for printer configuration files.
PrinterDescPath property Specifies the location for printer description files.
PrinterPaperSizeAlert property Specifies whether to alert the user when a layout is configured with a paper size that is different than the default setting for the PC3 file.
PrinterSpoolAlert property Specifies whether to alert the user when the output to a device must be spooled through a system printer due to a conflict with the I/O port.
PrinterStyleSheetPath property Specifies the location for printer style sheet files.
PrintFile property Specifies an alternate name to use for the temporary plot file name.
PrintSpoolerPath property Specifies the directory for the print spool files. AutoCAD writes the plot to this location.
PrintSpoolExecutable property Specifies the application to use for print spooling.
ProductOfInertia property Gets the product of inertia of the solid or region.
ProfileRotation property Specifies the rotation of the sweep profile.
Profiles property Gets the PreferencesProfiles object.
PromptString property Specifies the prompt string for an attribute.
PropertyName property Specifies the name for the property.
ProviderName property Specifies the encryption provider name.
ProviderType property Specifies the encryption provider type.
ProxyImage property Controls the display of objects in a drawing that were created in a third-party application.
QNewTemplateFile property Sets the default template file name for the QNEW command.
QuietErrorMode property Toggles the quiet error mode for plot-error reporting.
RadiiOfGyration property Gets the radius of gyration of the solid or region.
Radius property Specifies the radius of an arc or circle.
RadiusRatio property Specifies the major to minor axis ratio of an ellipse.
ReadOnly property Specifies if the document or property is read-only or read-write.
Red property Specifies the red component of the True Color.
ReferenceCount property Specifies the reference count of an entry in the File Dependency List.
RegenerateTableSuppressed property Enables or disables regeneration of the table block.
RegisteredApplications property Gets the RegisteredApplications collection for the document.
RemoveHiddenLines property Specifies if hidden lines are to be plotted on a paper space viewport.
RenderSmoothness property Specifies the smoothness of shaded, rendered, and hidden line-removed objects.
RepeatBottomLabels property Determines whether the bottom set of label rows is repeated at the bottom of each broken table part.
RepeatTopLabels property Determines whether the first set of label rows will be repeated at the top of each broken table part.
RevisionNumber property Specifies the revision number.
RevolutionAngle property Specifies the angle of revolution.
Rotation property Specifies the rotation angle of the OLE object.
Rotation property Specifies the rotation angle for the object.
RoundDistance property Specifies the rounding of dimension units.
RowHeight property Specifies a uniform height for all rows in the table.
Rows property Specifies the number of rows in a block array.
Rows property Specifies the number of rows in the table.
RowSpacing property Specifies the spacing of the rows in a block array.
SaveAsType property Specifies the drawing type for saving the drawing.
Saved property Specifies if the document has any unsaved changes.
SavePreviewThumbnail property Specifies if BMP preview images are saved with the drawing.
scale property Specifies the scale factor from start to the end of the sweep path.
ScaleFactor property Specifies the scale factor for the object.
ScaleHeight property Specifies the height of the object as a percentage of its original height.
ScaleLineweights property Specifies if the lineweight is scaled with the rest of the geometry when a layout is printed.
ScaleWidth property Specifies the width of the object as a percentage of its original height.
SCMCommandMode property Determines right-click functionality in the drawing area while in Command mode, which means that a command is currently in progress.
SCMDefaultMode property Determines right-click functionality in the drawing area while in Default mode, which means that no objects are selected and no commands are in progress.
SCMEditMode property Determines right-click functionality in the drawing area while in Edit mode, which means that one or more objects are selected and no commands are in progress.
SCMTimeMode property Controls time-sensitive right-click behavior.
SCMTimeValue property Controls time-sensitive right-click behavior by setting the duration of the long click that displays a shortcut menu.
SecondPoint property Specifies the second point of the ray or xline.
SecondSegmentAngleConstraint property Specifies the SecondSegmentAngleConstraint of the mleaderstyle.
SectionManager property Returns the section manager object.
SegmentPerPolyline property Specifies the number of line segments to be generated for each polyline curve.
Selection property Gets the PreferencesSelection object.
SelectionSets property Gets the SelectionSets collection for the document.
SerialNumber property Specifies the serial number of the digital certificate.
ShadePlot property Specifies the shaded viewport plotting mode of a viewport.
ShadowDisplay property Specifies the shadow display property of the object.
SheetView property Returns and sets the sheet view associated with the viewport.
ShortCutMenu property Determines if the specified popup menu is the shortcut menu.
ShortCutMenuDisplay property Controls whether right-clicking in the drawing area displays a shortcut menu or issues ENTER.
Show property Specifies whether the property is shown in the user interface.
ShowHistory property Specifies whether to show history of the solid.
ShowPlotStyles property Specifies whether or not plot styles and plot style names are displayed in the drawing.
ShowProxyDialogBox property Specifies if AutoCAD displays a warning message when you open a drawing that contains custom objects.
ShowRasterImage property Controls the display of raster images during real-time pan and zooms.
ShowRotation property Determines if a raster image is displayed at its rotation value.
ShowWarningMessages property Resets all dialog boxes that have the "Don't Display This Warning Again" check box so they display again.
SingleDocumentMode property Determines if AutoCAD runs in single- or multiple-document mode.
SnapBasePoint property Specifies the snap base point for the viewport.
SnapOn property Specifies the status of snap.
SnapRotationAngle property Specifies the snap rotation angle of the viewport relative to the current UCS.
SolidFill property Specifies if multilines, traces, solids, all hatches (including solid-fill), and wide polylines are filled in.
SolidType property Indicates the type of solid.
SourceObjects property Specifies the source objects for section generation.
StandardScale property Specifies the standard scale for the layout, viewport, or plot configuration.
StartAngle property Specifies the start angle of an arc or an ellipse.
StartDraftAngle property Specifies the draft angle of the surface for the first cross section.
StartDraftMagnitude property Specifies the draft magnitude of the surface for the first cross section.
StartParameter property Specifies the start parameter for an ellipse.
StartPoint property Specifies the start point for the arc, line, or ellipse.
State property Specifies section object type.
StatusID property Gets the current active status of the viewport.
StoreSQLIndex property Determines if the SQL index is stored in the drawing.
StyleName property Specifies the name of the style used with the object.
StyleName property Specifies the name of the table style.
StyleSheet property Specifies the style sheet for the layout or plot configuration.
Subject property Specifies the subject name of the digital ID (certificate).
Subject property (SummmaryInfo object) Specifies the subject of the drawing.
SubMenu property Gets the popup menu associated with a sub menu.
SummaryInfo property Specifies the properties of a drawing.
SupportPath property Specifies the directories where AutoCAD searches for support files.
SuppressLeadingZeros property Specifies the suppression of leading zeros in dimension values.
SuppressTrailingZeros property Specifies the suppression of trailing zeros in dimension values.
SuppressZeroFeet property Specifies the suppression of a zero foot measurement in dimension values.
SuppressZeroInches property Specifies the suppression of a zero inch measurement in dimension values.
SurfaceNormals property Specifies for which cross-section curves the surface is normal to the cross section.
SurfaceType property Indicates the type of surface.
SymbolPosition property Specifies placement of the arc length dimension symbol.
System property Gets the PreferencesSystem object.
TableBreakFlowDirection property Determines the direction that parts of the table flow.
TableBreakHeight property Sets the breaking height for the initial table part and any other table parts that do not have manual heights set.
TablesReadOnly property Determines whether to open database tables in read-only mode.
TableStyleOverrides property Specifies the table style overrides.
TabOrder property Specifies the tab order of a layout.
TagString property Specifies the tag string of the object.
TaperAngle property Specifies the taper angle of the extrusion.
Target property Specifies the target point for the view or viewport.
TempFileExtension property Specifies the extension for temporary files.
TempFilePath property Specifies the directory AutoCAD uses to store temporary files.
TemplateDwgPath property Specifies the path for the template files used by the start-up wizards.
TempXRefPath property Specifies the location of external reference files.
TextAlignmentPoint property Specifies the alignment point for text and attributes.
TextAlignmentType property Specifies the TextAlignmentType of the mleaderstyle.
TextAngleType property Specifies the TextAngleType of the mleaderstyle.
TextAttachmentType property Specify how leaders connect with the text.
TextBackgroundFill property Specifies if Background Mask ought to be used.
TextColor property Specifies the color of the text for dimension and tolerance objects.
TextDirection property Specifies the drawing direction of the Mtext.
TextEditor property Specifies the name of the text editor for the MTEXT command.
TextFill property Sets fill color On or Off (DIMTFILL system variable)
TextFillColor property Sets text fill color (DIMTFILLCLR system variable).
TextFont property Specifies the font for new text.
TextFontSize property Specifies the font size for new text.
TextFontStyle property Specifies the font style for new text.
TextFrameDisplay property Toggles the display of frames for text objects instead of displaying the text itself.
TextGap property Specifies the distance between the dimension text and the dimension line when you break the dimension line to accommodate dimension text.
TextGenerationFlag property Specifies the attribute text generation flag.
TextHeight property Specifies the height for the dimension or tolerance text.
TextInside property Specifies if the dimension text is to be drawn inside the extension lines.
TextInsideAlign property Specifies the position of dimension text inside the extension lines for all dimension types except ordinate.
TextJustify property Specifies the attachment point of the Mtext.
TextLeftAttachmentType property Specify how leaders on the left side connect with the text.
TextLineSpacingDistance property Specifies the line spacing distance of the Mtext.
TextLineSpacingFactor property Specifies the line spacing factor of the Mtext.
TextLineSpacingStyle property Specifies the line spacing style of the Mtext.
TextMovement property Specifies how dimension text is drawn when text is moved.
TextOutsideAlign property Specifies the position of dimension text outside the extension lines for all dimension types except ordinate.
TextOverride property Specifies the text string for the dimension.
TextPosition property Specifies the dimension text position.
TextPrecision property Specifies the precision of angular dimension text.
TextPrefix property Specifies the dimension value prefix.
TextRightAttachmentType property Specify how leaders on the right side connect with the text.
TextRotation property Specifies the rotation angle of the dimension text.
TextString property Specifies the text string for the entity.
TextStyle property Specifies the text style for the dimension or tolerance text.
TextStyleName property Specifies the style name of the Mtext.
TextStyles property Gets the TextStyles collection for the document.
TextSuffix property Specifies the dimension value suffix.
TextureMapPath property Specifies the directory in which AutoCAD searches for rendering texture maps.
TextWidth property Specifies the width of the Mtext.
TextWinBackgrndColor property Specifies the background color for the text window.
TextWinTextColor property Specifies the text color for the text window.
Thickness property Specifies the distance a 2D AutoCAD object is extruded above or below its elevation.
TimeServer property Specifies the name of the time server to be used for a digital signature.
TimeStamp property Specifies the timestamp of an entry in the File Dependency List.
Title property Specifies the title you want to use to locate the drawing.
TitleSuppressed property Specifies whether the title of the table is suppressed.
ToleranceDisplay property Specifies if tolerances are displayed with the dimension text.
ToleranceHeightScale property Specifies a scale factor for the text height of tolerance values relative to the dimension text height.
ToleranceJustification property Specifies the vertical justification of tolerance values relative to the nominal dimension text.
ToleranceLowerLimit property Specifies the minimum tolerance limit for dimension text.
TolerancePrecision property Specifies the precision of tolerance values in primary dimensions.
ToleranceSuppressLeadingZeros property Specifies the suppression of leading zeros in tolerance values.
ToleranceSuppressTrailingZeros property Specifies the suppression of trailing zeros in dimension values.
ToleranceSuppressZeroFeet property Specifies the suppression of a zero foot measurement in tolerance values.
ToleranceSuppressZeroInches property Specifies the suppression of a zero inch measurement in tolerance values.
ToleranceUpperLimit property Specifies the maximum tolerance limit for dimension text.
Toolbars property Gets the Toolbars collection.
ToolPalettePath property Sets the tool palette path.
Top property Specifies the top edge of a toolbar.
TopHeight property Specifies elevation of section plane top extents relative to the object’s elevation.
TopRadius property Specifies the top radius of the helix.
TotalAngle property Gets the total angle for the arc.
TotalLength property Specifies the total length of the helix.
TranslateIDs property Specifies the translation of any contained object IDs during deepClone or wblockClone operations.
Transparency property Specifies if the transparency for a particular bitonal image is on or off.
TrueColor property Specifies the True Color of an object.
TrueColorImages property Determines if raster and render images are displayed at true color or palletized color.
TurnHeight property Specifies the height of one full turn for the helix.
Turns property Specifies the number of turns for the helix.
TurnSlope property Displays the constant incline angle for the helix path.
Twist property Controls the twist direction of the helix.
Twist property Specifies the amount of rotation along the entire length of the sweep path.
TwistAngle property Specifies the twist angle for the viewport.
Type property Specifies type of a Leader, MenuGroup, PopupMenuItem, ToolbarItem, Polyline, or PolygonMesh object.
UCSIconAtOrigin property Specifies if the UCS icon is displayed at the origin.
UCSIconOn property Specifies if the UCS icon is on.
UCSPerViewport property Specifies if the UCS is saved with the viewport.
UIsolineDensity property Specifies the number of U isolines that are displayed.
UnderlayLayerOverrideApplied property Determines whether underlay layver overrides are applied or not.
UnderlayName property Specifies the name of the underlay file.
UnderlayVisibility property Specifies the visibility of the underlay file.
Units property Specifies the native units of measure for the block.
UnitsFormat property Specifies the unit format for all dimensions except angular.
UnitsType property Specifies the current display units type for the property.
UpperRightCorner property Gets the upper-right corner of the current active viewport.
UpsideDown property Specifies the direction of text.
URL property Specifies the URL for the Hyperlink object.
URLDescription property Specifies the URL description for the Hyperlink object.
URLNamedLocation property Specifies the named location for the Hyperlink object.
Used property Specifies whether a layer is in use.
UseLastPlotSettings property Applies the plotting settings of the last successful plot.
User property Gets the PreferencesUser object.
UseStandardScale property Specifies if the plot is to use a standard or custom scale.
Utility property Gets the Utility object for the document.
Value property Specifies the current value for the property, or the object ID of the newly created cloned object.
Value32 property Specifies the current value for the property, or the object ID of the newly created cloned object, for a 64-bit system.
VBE property Gets the VBAIDE extensibility object.
Verify property Specifies if the attribute is set for verification.
Version property Gets the version of the AutoCAD application you are using.
VersionGUID property Specifies the name of the Version GUID of an entry in the File Dependency List.
VertCellMargin property Specifies the value of the vertical margin of cells.
VerticalDirection property Specifies the vertical direction for the section plane.
VerticalTextPosition property Specifies the vertical position of text in relation to the dimension line.
Vertices property Gets the vertices in the section line.
ViewingDirection property Specifies the viewing direction for the section plane.
ViewportDefault property Specifies if the layer is to be frozen in new viewports.
ViewportOn property Specifies the display status of the viewport.
Viewports property Gets the Viewports collection for the document.
Views property Gets the Views collection for the document.
ViewToPlot property Specifies the name of the view to plot.
VisibilityEdge1 property Specifies the visibility of a 3DFace edge 1.
VisibilityEdge2 property Specifies the visibility of a 3DFace edge 2.
VisibilityEdge3 property Specifies the visibility of a 3DFace edge 3.
VisibilityEdge4 property Specifies the visibility of a 3DFace edge 4.
Visible property Specifies the visibility of an object or the application.
VIsolineDensity property Specifies the number of V isolines that are displayed.
Volume property Gets the volume of the solid.
Weights property Gets the weight vector for spline.
Width property Specifies the width of the OLE object box.
Width property Specifies the width of the table.
Width property Specifies the width of the text boundary, view, image, toolbar, or main application window.
WindowLeft property Specifies the left edge of the application window.
WindowState property Specifies the state of the application or document window.
WindowTitle property Gets the title of the document window.
WindowTop property Specifies the top edge of the application window.
WorkspacePath property Specifies the path for the database workspace file.
XEffectiveScaleFactor property Specifies the effective XScale factor of the block.
XRefDatabase property Gets the Database object that defines the contents of the block.
XRefDemandLoad property Specifies demand loading of external references.
XRefEdit property Determines if the current drawing can be edited in place when being referenced by another user.
XRefFadeIntensity property Controls the dimming intensity for XRefs.
XRefLayerVisibility property Determines the visibility of xref-dependent layers and specifies if nested xref path changes are saved.
XScaleFactor property Specifies the X scale factor for the block or external reference (xref).
XVector property Specifies the X direction of the given UCS.
YEffectiveScaleFactor property Specifies the effective YScale factor of the block.
YScaleFactor property Specifies the Y scale factor for the block or external reference (xref).
YVector property Specifies the Y direction of the given UCS.
ZEffectiveScaleFactor property Specifies the effective ZScale factor of the block.
ZScaleFactor property Specifies the Z scale factor for the block or external reference (xref).