ForceLineInside Property

Specifies whether a dimension line is drawn between the extension lines even when the text is placed outside the extension lines.

See Also | Example




Dim3PointAngular, DimAligned, DimAngular, DimArcLength, DimDiametric, DimRadial, DimRadialLarge, DimRotated
The object or objects this property applies to.


Boolean; read-write

TRUE: Draw dimension lines between the measured points when arrowheads are placed outside the measured points.

FALSE: Do not draw dimension lines between the measured points when arrowheads are placed outside the measured points.

System variables

This property overrides the value of the DIMTOFL system variable for the given dimension.


The initial value for this property is FALSE.

For radius and diameter dimensions (when the TextInside property is set to FALSE), this property draws a dimension line and arrowheads inside the circle or arc and places the text and leader outside.

