ToleranceHeightScale Property |
Specifies a scale factor for the text height of tolerance values relative to the dimension text height.
Dim3PointAngular, DimAligned, DimAngular, DimArcLength, DimDiametric, DimOrdinate, DimRadial, DimRadialLarge, DimRotated
The object or objects this property applies to.
Double; read-write
The scale factor for the tolerance values.
System variables
This property overrides the value of the DIMTFAC system variable for the given dimension.
The initial value for this property is 1.0000.
This property is only available when the ToleranceDisplay property is set to any value other than acTolNone.
Use this property for plus and minus tolerance strings when DIMTOL is on and DIMTM is not equal to DIMTP, or when DIMLIM is on.
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