You can create 3D solids and surfaces from scratch or from existing objects.
You can create the basic solid shapes of box, cone, cylinder, sphere, torus, wedge, and pyramid. These shapes are called solid primitives.
A polysolid is drawn the same way you draw a polyline. By default, a polysolid always has a rectangular profile. You can specify the height and width of the profile. Use POLYSOLID to create walls in your model.
You can create solids and surfaces from existing lines and curves. You can use these objects to define both the profile and path for the solid or surface.
You can create surfaces from existing objects in your drawing.
You can create a 3D solid from any surface type by thickening the surface.
Composite solids are created from two or more individual solids through any of the following commands: UNION, SUBTRACT, and INTERSECT. (FILLET and CHAMFER also create composite solids.)
You can create new solids by slicing existing ones. You can define the cutting plane a number of ways, including specifying points or selecting a surface or planar object.