Create 3D Solid Primitives

To create a solid box based on two points and a height

To create a solid box based on length, width and height

To create a solid box based on a center point, corner of base, and height

To create a solid cube

To create a solid wedge based on two points and a height

To create a solid wedge based on length, width and height

To create a solid wedge based on a center point, corner of base, and height

To create a solid wedge with equal length, width and height

To create a solid cone with a circular base

To create a solid cone with an elliptical base

To create a solid cone frustum

To create a solid cone with the height and orientation specified by the axis endpoint

To create a solid cylinder with a circular base

To create a solid cylinder with an elliptical base

To create a solid cylinder with the height and orientation specified by the axis endpoint

To create a solid sphere

To create a solid sphere defined by three points

To create a solid pyramid

To create a solid pyramid frustum

To create a solid torus