Events |
Activate event Triggered when a document window is activated.
AppActivate event Triggered just before the main application window is activated.
AppDeactivate event Triggered just before the main application window is deactivated.
ARXLoaded event Triggered when an ObjectARX application has been loaded.
ARXUnloaded event Triggered when an ObjectARX application has been unloaded.
BeginClose event Triggered immediately after AutoCAD receives a request to close a drawing.
BeginCommand event Triggered immediately after a command is issued, but before it completes.
BeginDocClose event Triggered immediately after AutoCAD receives a request to close a drawing.
BeginDoubleClick event Triggered after the user double-clicks an object in the drawing.
BeginFileDrop event Triggered when a file is dropped on the main application window.
BeginLISP event Triggered immediately after AutoCAD receives a request to evaluate a LISP expression.
BeginModal event Triggered just before a modal dialog is displayed.
BeginOpen event Triggered immediately after AutoCAD receives a request to open an existing drawing.
BeginPlot event Triggered immediately after AutoCAD receives a request to print a drawing.
BeginQuit event Triggered just before an AutoCAD session ends or a document closes.
BeginRightClick event Triggered after the user right-clicks on the drawing window.
BeginSave event Triggered immediately after AutoCAD receives a request to save the drawing.
BeginShortcutMenuCommand event Triggered after the user right-clicks on the drawing window, and before the shortcut menu appears in command mode.
BeginShortcutMenuDefault event Triggered after the user right-clicks on the drawing window, and before the shortcut menu appears in default mode.
BeginShortcutMenuEdit event Triggered after the user right-clicks on the drawing window, and before the shortcut menu appears in edit mode.
BeginShortcutMenuGrip event Triggered after the user right-clicks on the drawing window, and before the shortcut menu appears in grip mode.
BeginShortcutMenuOSnap event Triggered after the user right-clicks on the drawing window, and before the shortcut menu appears in osnap mode.
Deactivate event Triggered when the drawing window is deactivated.
EndCommand event Triggered immediately after a command completes.
EndLISP event Triggered upon completion of evaluating a LISP expression.
EndModal event Triggered just after a modal dialog is dismissed.
EndOpen event Triggered immediately after AutoCAD finishes opening an existing drawing.
EndPlot event Triggered after a document has been sent to the printer.
EndSave event Triggered when AutoCAD has finished saving the drawing.
EndShortcutMenu event Triggered after the shortcut menu appears.
LayoutSwitched event Triggered after the user switches to a different layout.
LISPCancelled event Triggered when the evaluation of a LISP expression is cancelled.
Modified event Triggered when an object or collection in the drawing has been modified.
NewDrawing event Triggered just before a new drawing is created.
ObjectAdded event Triggered when an object has been added to the drawing.
ObjectErased event Triggered when an object has been erased from the drawing.
ObjectModified event Triggered when an object in the drawing has been modified.
SelectionChanged event Triggered when the current pickfirst selection set changes.
SysVarChanged event Triggered when the value of a system variable is changed.
WindowChanged event Triggered when there is a change to the application or document windows.
WindowMovedOrResized event Triggered just after the application or drawing window has been moved or resized.