Materials Dashboard

The Materials dashboard gives you quick access to basic materials functions.

The Materials dashboard normally is displayed in its collapsed state when you first open a drawing. If the dashboard is not displayed, click Tools menu>>Palettes>>Dashboard.

Materials and Textures

Clicking and holding down the first icon on the Materials dashboard displays a drop-down menu of icons with the following options:


Clicking and holding down the second icon on the Materials dashboard displays a drop down menu of icons with several options for mapping. These icons allow you to adjust the orientation of the material map on the objects or faces.

Attach a Material by Layer

Clicking the third icon displays the Material Attachment Options dialog box, where you can associate materials with layers. This window can also be accessed with the MATERIALATTACH command.

Materials Window

Clicking the fourth icon displays the Materials window, where you can create, modify, and apply materials in your drawing. This window can also be accessed with the MATERIALS command.

If you require more control, you can expand the Materials dashboard by clicking the paintbrush icon.

Copy Mapping Coordinates

Clicking the first icon in the second row applies the mapping from the original object or face to the selected objects.

Reset Mapping Coordinates

Clicking the second icon in the second row resets the UV coordinates to the default coordinates for the map.