Live sectioning is an analytical tool that allows
you to view cut geometry in a 3D solid, surface, or region where
the section object intersects the 3D geometry.
You can also
use live sectioning to analyze a model by moving the section object
back and forth. For example, sliding the section object through an
engine assembly can help you visualize its internal components.
Before you
begin working with live sectioning, there some key aspects of the
feature you should understand.
Live sectioning functions only on 3D objects and regions in
model space.
Live sectioning is turned on or off, depending on the option
you use when creating the section object. For example, selecting a
face creates a section object with live sectioning turned on; the
Draw Section option creates a section object with it turned off.
After the section object is created, live sectioning for each
section object can be manually turned on or off.
You can have multiple section objects in a drawing; however,
live sectioning can only be active for one section object at a
time. For example, your model has two sections objects: Section A and Section B. If
Section A has live sectioning turned on and
you activate live sectioning for Section B,
live sectioning for Section A is
automatically turned off.
Turning off a section object’s layer does not turn off live
sectioning, but freezing the layer does.
With live sectioning on, using grips, you can slide segments of
the section object to see the effects in the 3D model.