Opens the Aerial View window
Moves the view in the current viewport
Reverses the effect of commands
Sets the resolution for objects in the current viewport
Displays a change in view as a smooth transition
Increases or decreases the apparent size of objects in the current viewport
Stores the upper-right point of the drawing extents
Stores the lower-left point of the drawing extents
Controls the behavior of the third button or wheel on the pointing device
Controls the display of raster images and OLE objects during Realtime ZOOM or PAN
Controls when smooth view transitions are used
Sets the duration of a smooth view transition, in milliseconds
Sets the minimum speed of a smooth view transition, in frames per second
Controls whether the display of circles and arcs is smooth
Controls whether to use an additional processor to improve the speed of operations such as ZOOM that redraw or regenerate the drawing
Controls how much the magnification changes when the mouse wheel moves forward or backward