vlr-remove function to disable a reactor. Disabling the reactor does not delete it: the Reactor object still exists and you can activate it again using the vlr-add function. To determine whether or not a reactor is active (registered to AutoCAD), use the vlr-added-p function:
Use the_$ (vlr-added-p circleReactor)
vlr-added-p function returns T if the reactor is active, nil if it is not.
The following command disables reactor_$ (vlr-remove circleReactor)
vlr-added-p to verify the circleReactor object reactor has been disabled:
You can use$ (vlr-added-p circleReactor)
circleReactor reactor, use vlr-add:
To enable the$ (vlr-add circleReactor)
vlr-remove-all function to disable all reactors in your drawing. To disable all reactors of a particular type, specify the reactor type when calling vlr-remove-all. The following function call disables all object reactors:
You can use the$ (vlr-remove-all :vlr-object-reactor)