Querying, Modifying, and Removing Reactors

There are various ways to obtain information about reactors. VLISP supplies AutoLISP functions to query reactors, and you can use standard VLISP data inspection tools to view information on them.

To use AutoLISP to list all reactors in a drawing, call the vlr-reactors function. The function returns a list of reactor lists. Each reactor list begins with a symbol identifying the reactor type, followed by pointers to each reactor of that type. For example:

_$ (vlr-reactors)
((:VLR-Object-Reactor #<VLR-Object-Reactor>) (:VLR-Editor-Reactor #<VLR-Editor-Reactor>))

In this example, vlr-reactors returned a list containing two lists, one identifying a single object reactor and one identifying a single Editor reactor.

To list all reactors of a given type, supply vlr-reactors with an argument identifying the reactor type. Specify one of the values returned by the vlr-types function; these are listed in “Understanding Reactor Types and Events”. For example, the following lists all DWG reactors:

_$ (vlr-reactors
((:VLR-DWG-Reactor #<VLR-DWG-Reactor> #<VLR-DWG-Reactor>))

In this case, the return value is a list containing one list. The one list identifies pointers to two DWG reactors.