GetOrientation Method |
Gets the angle specified. Ignores the setting of the ANGBASE system variable.
RetVal = GetOrientation([Point][, Prompt])
The object or objects this method applies to.
Variant (three-element array of doubles);
input-only; optional
The 3D WCS coordinates specifying the base point.
Variant (string); input-only; optional
The text used to prompt the user for input.
The specified angle.
AutoCAD pauses for user input of an angle, and sets the return value to the value of the selected angle. The Point parameter specifies an angle base point in the WCS. The Prompt parameter specifies a string that AutoCAD displays before it pauses. Both Point and Prompt are optional.
The AutoCAD user can specify the angle by entering a number in the current angular units format. The user can also specify the angle by specifying two 2D locations on the graphics screen. AutoCAD draws a rubber-band line from the first point to the current crosshairs position to help the user visualize the angle. If the Point parameter is provided, AutoCAD uses this value as the first of the two points. The angle is measured in the XY plane of the WCS (this method ignores the Z field of Point). The direction of angular increase is always counterclockwise.
Regardless of the method used to specify the angle, GetOrientation always sets the return value to a value expressed in radians.
This method is similar to the GetAngle method, but it ignores the current direction of angle 0, which is stored in the ANGBASE system variable. The 0 angle employed by GetOrientation is always to the right: "east" or "three o'clock."
If a keyword is returned instead of an angle, AutoCAD will generate the error message "User input keyword." Use the GetInput method to obtain the keyword from the return value.
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