Create and Use Calculator Variables

The Variables area of QuickCalc stores calculator variables that you can access as needed. Calculator variables can either be constants or functions.

You can use the Variables area to define, store, and retrieve calculator variables. Calculator variables can either be constants (coordinates/vectors, real numbers, and integers) or functions. In the Variables area, you can

Additional operations are available on the shortcut menus in the Variables area.

Create New Calculator Variables

You can create new calculator variables using the shortcut menus in the Variables area. When defining new calculator variables in the Variable Definition dialog box, the following rules apply:

Create Global Constants

You can use one of the following methods to create global constants:

Access Global Constants

You can access global constants and pass them to the Input box of the QuickCalc as follows:

To use a global constant in a text or numeric entry box in a window or dialog box, use the syntax: =$variable_name followed by pressing the END key. For example, to use the previously mentioned global variable, Phi, enter =$Phi and press the END key.

NoteIn QuickCalc, only constants can be directly referred to by their global variable names in the text or numeric entry boxes in windows and dialog boxes.

Use Shortcut Functions

Several sample calculator variables have been predefined and stored in the Shortcut Functions category. These are geometric expressions that combine CAL functions with the Endpoint Snap mode. The following table describes the predefined variables that are available in the Variables area of the calculator.


Shortcut For




Distance between two endpoints



Intersection of two lines defined by four endpoints



Midpoint between two endpoints



Unit vector in the XY plane and normal to two endpoints



Radius of a selected circle, arc, or polyline arc



Vector from two endpoints



Unit vector from two endpoints

You can easily modify these calculator variables or create your own. For more information, see the CAL command.

Organize Variables into Categories

You can organize calculator variables in the Variables area under several categories. This results in a one-level tree structure. The Shortcut Functions category has already been created and contains several functions.

Use the shortcut menu in the Variables area to create, rename, or delete variable categories.