Set Text Height

Text height determines the size in drawing units of the letters in the font you are using.

The exception is TrueType fonts: the value usually represents the size of the uppercase letters.

If you specify a fixed height as part of a text style, the Height prompt is bypassed when you create single-line text. When the height is set to 0 in the text style, you are prompted for the height each time you create single-line text. Set the value to 0 if you want to specify the height as you create text.

TrueType Fonts

For TrueType fonts, the value specified for text height represents the height of a capital letter plus an ascent area reserved for accent marks and other marks used in non-English languages. The relative portion of text height that is assigned to capital letters and ascent characters is determined by the font designer at the time the font is designed; consequently, it varies from font to font.

In addition to the height of a capital letter and the ascent area that make up the text height specified by the user, TrueType fonts have a descent area for portions of characters that extend below the text insertion line, for example, y, j, p, g, and q.

When you apply a text height override to all text in the editor, the entire multiline text object is scaled, including its width.