With a digital signature, you can collaborate more easily with others on projects. Recipients of drawings are provided with reliable information about who created a set of drawings and whether they were modified since they were digitally signed.
Specifically, digital signatures provide the following benefits:
A digital signature is not the same as a digitized signature. While a digital signature helps prove your identity and a drawing's authenticity, a digitized signature is nothing more than an electronic version of your own signature. It can be forged and copied, and has no real security value.
Digital IDs use two keys—a public key, which anyone can use to validate a digital signature, and a private key, which is known only by the originator of the digital ID. The private key is used to create the digital signature. To learn more about digital IDs, digital signatures, and public and private keys, search the Internet for these terms.
Attach Digital Signatures Dialog Box in the Command Reference.
You can attach signatures to files that are compatible with AutoCAD 2000 and later file formats, including files generated by the eTransmit feature. To attach a signature to multiple files at once, or to attach a signature to a file compatible with the AutoCAD 2000 or later drawing-file format, see