Arithmetic Functions

The following table provides summary descriptions of the AutoLISP arithmetic functions.

Arithmetic functions



( + (add) [numbernumber] ...)

Returns the sum of all numbers

( - (subtract) [number number] ...)

Subtracts the second and following numbers from the first and returns the difference

( * (multiply)[number number] ...)

Returns the product of all numbers

( / (divide)[number number] ...)

Divides the first number by the product of the remaining numbers and returns the quotient

( ~ (bitwise NOT)int)

Returns the bitwise NOT (1's complement) of the argument

( 1+ (increment)number)

Returns the argument increased by 1 (incremented)

( 1- (decrement)number)

Returns the argument reduced by 1 (decremented)

( absnumber)

Returns the absolute value of the argument

( atannum1 [num2])

Returns the arctangent of a number in radians

( cosang)

Returns the cosine of an angle expressed in radians

( expnumber)

Returns the constant e (a real) raised to a specified power (the natural antilog)

( exptbase power)

Returns a number raised to a specified power

( fixnumber)

Returns the conversion of a real into the nearest smaller integer

( floatnumber)

Returns the conversion of a number into a real

( gcdint1 int2)

Returns the greatest common denominator of two integers

( lognumber)

Returns the natural log of a number as a real

( logand [int int ...])

Returns the result of the logical bitwise AND of a list of integers

( logior [intint ...])

Returns the result of the logical bitwise inclusive OR of a list of integers

( lsh [intnumbits])

Returns the logical bitwise shift of an integer by a specified number of bits

( max [number number ...])

Returns the largest of the numbers given

( min [number number ...])

Returns the smallest of the numbers given

( minuspnumber)

Verifies that a number is negative

( rem [num1 num2 ...])

Divides the first number by the second, and returns the remainder

( sinang)

Returns the sine of an angle as a real expressed in radians

( sqrtnumber)

Returns the square root of a number as a real

( zeropnumber)

Verifies that a number evaluates to zero