All Inspect windows have a similar appearance and contain a caption, an object line, and an object element list (which may be empty). The window elements contain the following content:
[]) denote that you can modify the item by issuing a Modify command from the shortcut menu associated with the item, and curly brackets ({}) indicate that you cannot modify the item.
The element list may vary in size and content for different object type. Each element list is shown as a pair: name and content. The name is enclosed in brackets. Square brackets ( Both the object line and the element list lines have their own associated shortcut menus. These menus are described in>>>[Next page]" element line. To navigate among the pages, use the following procedures:
VLISP will display up to 50 element lines in an Inspect window. If there are more than 50 elements to be shown, Inspect displays the elements in a series of pages. When you scroll to the bottom of the Inspect window and there are more entries remaining to be displayed, the bottom of the list contains a "VLISP expands an item in the element list if you double-click on it. For example, the {Auxiliary} component in the sample Inspect window is itself a list. Double-click on the {Auxiliary} item to open another Inspect window showing the elements in the list: