External applications can attach data such as text strings, numeric values, 3D points, distances, and layer names to AutoCAD objects. This data is referred to as extended data, or xdata. You can filter entities containing extended data for a specified application.
Filter for Extended Data for more information about extended data.
SeeSelect circles that contain xdata
The following example filters for circles containing xdata added by the “MY_APP” application:
Sub Ch4_FilterXdata()
Dim sstext As AcadSelectionSet
Dim mode As Integer
Dim pointsArray(0 To 11) As Double
mode = acSelectionSetWindowPolygon
pointsArray(0) = -12#: pointsArray(1) = -7#: pointsArray(2) = 0
pointsArray(3) = -12#: pointsArray(4) = 10#: pointsArray(5) = 0
pointsArray(6) = 10#: pointsArray(7) = 10#: pointsArray(8) = 0
pointsArray(9) = 10#: pointsArray(10) = -7#: pointsArray(11) = 0
Dim FilterType(1) As Integer
Dim FilterData(1) As Variant
Set sstext = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("SS9")
FilterType(0) = 0
FilterData(0) = "Circle"
FilterType(1) = 1001
FilterData(1) = "MY_APP"
sstext.SelectByPolygon mode, pointsArray, FilterType, FilterData
End Sub