Common Group Codes for Objects. For information about abbreviations and formatting used in this table, see Formatting Conventions in This Reference.
The following group codes are used by LIGHTLIST objects. In addition to the group codes described here, seeLIGHTLIST group codes |
Group code |
Description |
0 |
Object name (LIGHTLIST) |
5 |
Handle |
102 |
Start of persistent reactors group; always “{ACAD_REACTORS” |
330 |
Soft-pointer ID/handle to owner dictionary. For LIGHTLIST objects, this is always the ACAD_LIGHT entry of the named object dictionary |
102 |
End of persistent reactors group, always “}” |
330 |
Soft-pointer ID/handle to owner object |
100 |
Subclass marker (AcDbLightList) |
90 |
Version number |
90 |
Number of lights |
5 |
Light handle (one for each light) |
1 |
Light name (one for each light) |