Update Data Extraction Table Automatically

You can specify to be notified when extracted data has changed.

When information in the data source has changed that affects the extracted data in a table, you are notified the data is not current. (Notification does not occur with attribute extraction tables.) Depending on how the DXEVAL system variable is set, the Data Extraction - Out Of Date Table dialog box displays when certain commands are used, such as OPEN or SAVE. By default, DXEVAL is set to check if the extracted data is not current without automatically updating it when the PLOTor ETRANSMIT commands are used.

ImportantWhen DXEVAL = 8 (update on publish) and BACKGROUNDPLOT is set to 2 or 3, then an update notification is not displayed when publishing the files. To receive an update notification, set BACKGROUNDPLOT to 0 or 1.

You can set auto-updating to occur with these commands: SAVE, PLOT, PUBLISH, or ETRANSMIT. When auto-updating is enabled, the extracted data is automatically checked to see if it is current with the data source. If not, the update process occurs without user intervention. With PLOT or ETRANSMIT, the data extraction is updated prior to the plotting or electronically transmitting the drawings, which are not saved.

When you open multiple drawings at the same time, and DXEVAL is set in each drawing to check for updates with the OPEN command, the Out-Of-Date Table dialog box displays for each drawing that contains a data extraction table that is not current. For each drawing that contains a table that requires updating, you can choose to update at that time or skip the update.

If you choose to skip the update, you can do so later by accessing the shortcut menu for the data extraction table.

If the cells in a data extraction table are edited in a previous release of the program, and then opened in the current version, the table cells that were edited are unlocked. When the table is updated in the current release, a dialog box displays indicating some cells were overwritten. You can choose to overwrite the cells or skip the cells during the update.

NoteIt is recommended you turn on notification before doing a final save, plot, publish, electronic transmittal or archive.