/= (not equal to)

Compares arguments for numerical inequality

(/= numstr [numstr] ...) 



A number or a string.

Return Values

T, if no two successive arguments are the same in value; otherwise nil. If only one argument is supplied, /= returns T.

Note that the behavior of /= does not quite conform to other LISP dialects. The standard behavior is to return T if no two arguments in the list have the same value. In AutoLISP, /= returns T if no successive arguments have the same value; see the examples that follow.


(/= 10 20)				returns  T 
(/= "you" "you")		returns  nil
(/= 5.43 5.44)			returns  T
(/= 10 20 10 20 20)	 returns  nil
(/= 10 20 10 20)		returns  T 
NoteIn the last example, although there are two arguments in the list with the same value, they do not follow one another; thus /= evaluates to T.