In some cases, help files cannot be opened from a network location. This is due to a known Microsoft issue. For more information, visit
Providing this information helps Autodesk reproduce the error and fix it as quickly as possible. If an AutoCAD session ends unexpectedly but the Error Report message is not displayed, make sure that the REPORTERROR system variable is set to 1.
For instance, you have an existing license file containing PLIST information residing on the first server of a distributed license server environment. If you purchase another Autodesk product with a license file containing updated PLIST information, and it resides on a different server in the distributed server environment, the older PLIST data from the first server is recognized instead of the newer PLIST data.
To make sure the updated PLIST file is read obtain a new license file from Autodesk that contains the latest PLIST information. Alternatively, you could add the updated PLIST to the first server in the distributed license server environment to make sure that it is always read.
Note If you do not agree to the terms of the license and wish to terminate the installation, click Cancel.
Warning Do not install the Network License Manager on a remote drive. When you install the Network License Manager files, you must provide a path to a local drive. You must specify the drive letter; the universal naming convention (UNC) is not supported.
Note If you do not agree to the terms of the license and wish to terminate the installation, click Cancel.
See Autodesk Activation Update for a Product Support solution to this problem.