The following resources can help you learn more about this product and its new features:
Resets the location of all scale representations for an annotative object to that of the current scale representation |
Updates existing annotative objects to match the current properties of their styles |
Changes the textual content of an attribute within a block |
Publishes drawings to DWF files automatically |
Changes the display options of selected DGN underlays |
Attaches a DGN underlay to the current drawing |
Defines a clipping boundary for a selected DGN underlay |
Creates one or more V8 DGN files from the current drawing |
Imports the data from a V8 DGN file into a new DWG file |
Adds or removes a dimension break |
Creates or removes inspection dimensions |
-DIMINSPECT | Creates or removes inspection dimensions (Command prompt version) |
Adds or removes a jag line to a linear or aligned dimension |
Adjusts the spacing equally between parallel linear and angular dimensions |
Controls the display of layers in a DWF underlay |
Creates a target point light without a prompt for the target point |
Creates a free spotlight, which is similar to a spotlight without a specified target |
Creates a free weblight which is similar to a weblight without a specified target |
Saves, restores, and manages named layer states |
Creates a line that connects annotation to a feature |
Organizes selected multileaders along a specified line |
Organizes selected multileaders containing blocks as content into a group attached to a single leader line |
Adds leader lines to, or removes leader lines from, a multileader object |
Defines a new multileader style |
Expedites the creation of a new view |
Adds or deletes supported scales for annotative objects |
Displays the Customize User Interface dialog box in a collapsed state |
RECOVERALL | Repairs a damaged drawing and xrefs |
Command prompt version of the RENDER command |
Provides settings to interactively adjust the lighting global for the most recent rendered output |
Creates a target point light |
Displays a specified tool palette or palette group |
Creates a weblight |
Added plot emulation and texture compression options |
Added plot emulation and texture compression options (Command prompt version) |
Added support for annotative scaling |
Added support for annotative scaling (Command prompt version) |
Multiple-line attribute support |
Added support for annotative scaling |
Added support for annotative scaling |
Added support for annotative scaling (Command prompt version) |
Added support for annotative scaling |
Added dashboard panel customization and some enhancements for customizing toolbars |
Added access to the Customize User Interface from the shortcut menu |
Added the Quadrant option |
Added the Extension line option |
Added the Extension line option |
Added the Extension line option |
Added new tolerance alignment option, size option for linear jog, and break spacing |
Command prompt version of DIMSTYLE (Command prompt version) |
Modified to support entering photometric properties |
Now activates the DATAEXTRACTION command rather than the Attribute Extraction wizard |
Command prompt version of the EATTEXT command (Command prompt version) |
Added support for visual fidelity |
Added support for annotative scaling |
Added support for annotative scaling (Command prompt version) |
HATCHEDIT | Added support for annotative scaling |
Added support for annotative scaling (Command prompt version) |
Added support for annotative scaling |
Added support for annotative scaling (Command prompt version) |
Added option to import layer states from drawings, the Edit option now includes Material and Description suboptions, the Import option now includes DWG/DWS/DWT formats, and the Export option includes the LAY file format (Command prompt version) |
Added support for double line borders, border linetypes, and new cell formats |
Added support for annotative scaling |
Added support for annotative scaling (Command prompt version) |
When used on a layout, a new option, Layer, removes all layer property override values and resets them back to their corresponding global properties |
Added the Maintain Visual Fidelity check box to the Open and Save tab as well as the Display Drawing Status Bar check box to the Display tab |
Enhanced for pasting Microsoft Excel data from the clipboard to create a data link to this information immediately |
Affected by the hardware configuration settings Plot Emulation and Texture Compression |
Start and end limits for attenuation are supported with the Direct 3D driver; also added prompting for area-sampled shadow options and photometric prompting |
Added support for annotative scaling |
Now checks words in dimensions, zooms into words being corrected; added option to ignore words with numbers or words with special characters |
Start and end limits for attenuation are supported with the Direct 3D driver; also added prompting for area-sampled shadow options and photometric prompting |
Added support for annotative scaling |
Added support for annotative scaling (Command prompt version) |
Added From Style and Data Link branches |
Added From Style and Data Link branches (Command prompt version) |
Defines a new table style |
Added support for annotative scaling |
Modified to support the new sky background option, when applicable |
Added option, Layer, removes all layer property override values and resets them back to their corresponding global properties (Command prompt version) |
Added the Invert option |
Opens Quick Help in the Info palette, which provides context-sensitive information |
Closes Quick Help and the Info palette |
3DCONVERSIONMODE | Used to convert material and light definitions |
3DSELECTIONMODE | Controls the selection precedence of visually overlapping objects when using 3D visual styles |
ANNOALLVISIBLE | Hides or displays annotative objects that do not support the current annotation scale |
ANNOAUTOSCALE | Updates annotative objects to support the annotation scale when the annotation scale is changed |
ANNOTATIVEDWG | Specifies whether or not the drawing will behave as an annotative block when inserted into another drawing |
ATTIPE | Controls the display of the in-place editor used to create multiline attributes |
ATTMULTI | Controls whether multiline attributes can be created |
AUTODWFPUBLISH | Controls whether the AutoPublish feature is on or off |
CANNOSCALE | Sets the name of the current annotation scale for the current space |
CANNOSCALEVALUE | Returns the value of the current annotation scale |
CMLEADERSTYLE | Determines the current multileader style |
COPYMODE | Controls whether the COPY command repeats automatically |
DATALINKNOTIFY | Controls the notification for updated or missing data links |
DGNFRAME | Determines whether DGN underlay frames are visible or plotted in the current drawing |
DGNOSNAP | Controls object snapping for geometry in DGN underlays |
Indicates whether or not the current dimension style is annotative |
DXEVAL | Controls when data extraction tables are compared against the data source, and if the data is not current, displays an update notification |
HPMAXLINES | Controls the maximum number of hatch lines that will generate |
LAYEREVAL | Controls when the Unreconciled New Layer filter list in the Layer Properties Manager is evaluated for new layers |
LAYERNOTIFY | Specifies when an alert displays for new layers that have not yet been reconciled |
LAYLOCKFADECTL | Controls the dimming for objects on locked layers |
LIGHTINGUNITS | Controls whether generic or photometric lights are used, and indicates the current lighting units |
LIGHTSINBLOCKS | Controls whether lights contained in blocks are used when rendering |
LINEARBRIGHTNESS | Controls the global brightness level of the drawing when using default lighting or generic lights |
LINEARCONTRAST | Controls the global contrast level of the drawing when using default lighting or generic lights |
LOGEXPBRIGHTNESS | Controls the global brightness level of the drawing when using photometric lighting |
LOGEXPCONTRAST | Controls the global contrast level of the drawing when using photometric lighting |
LOGEXPDAYLIGHT | Controls if exterior daylight is used when using photometric lighting |
LOGEXPMIDTONES | Controls the global mid tones level of the drawing when using photometric lighting |
MSLTSCALE | Scales linetypes displayed on the model tab by the annotation scale |
PERSPECTIVECLIP | Determines the location of eyepoint clipping |
PUBLISHCOLLATE | Controls whether plotting a sheet set, multi-sheet plot file, or plot spool file can be interrupted by other plot jobs |
RENDERUSERLIGHTS | Controls whether user lights are translated during rendering |
SAVEFIDELITY | Controls whether the drawing is saved with visual fidelity |
SELECTIONANNODISPLAY | Controls whether alternate scale representations are temporarily displayed in a dimmed state when an annotative object is selected |
SETBYLAYERMODE | Controls which properties are selected for SETBYLAYER |
TABLETOOLBAR | Controls the display of the Table toolbar |
TEXTOUTPUTFILEFORMAT | Provides Unicode text file output options |
VPLAYEROVERRIDES | Indicates if there are any layers with viewport (VP) property overrides for the current layout viewport |
Controls whether layer property overrides associated with layout viewports are displayed and plotted |
Controls whether layer property overrides associated with layout viewports are displayed and plotted |
AFLAGS | Added a value for the new Multiple Lines mode |
DCTMAIN | Displays the three letter keyword of the current main spelling dictionary |
Automatically set to 0 when an annotative dimension style is made current |
ASSISTSTATE | Indicates whether the Info palette that displays Quick Help is active or not |