Options are provided to control the relative size and appearance of the breakline symbol and an extension of the polyline beyond the selected start and end points.
Block= BRKLINE.DWG, Size= 0.5000, Extension= 0.1800 Pick first
point for breakline or press <Enter> for options: Specify a point or press ENTER for options
Pick second point for breakline: Specify the second point for the line
Pick location for break symbol <Midpoint>: Specify the point on the line segment to specify the
location of the breakline symbol, or press ENTER to use the
midpoint of the line
How to create a custom breakline symbol:
1) Draw the breakline symbol:
2) Make the Defpoints layer current. If it does not exist, create it and make it current:
3) Use the POINT command to place a point at each location where the line will connect with the breakline symbol. Use only two points.
Create a new block using the objects created in steps 1 and 3:
Command: block
Start the BREAKLINE command, press ENTER to get the Options prompt, and use the Block option to specify the new block.
Command: breakline