AddHatch Method

Creates a Hatch object.

See Also | Example


RetVal = object.AddHatch(PatternType, PatternName, Associativity [, HatchObjectType])


ModelSpace Collection, PaperSpace Collection, Block
The object or objects this method applies to.


AcPatternType or AcGradientPatternType enum; input-only
If the HatchObjectType enum value is acHatchObject, then use the AcPatternType enum; if the HatchObjectType enum value is AcGradientObject, then use the AcGradientPatternType enum.


String; input-only
If the HatchObjectType enum value is acHatchObject, then PatternName should contain the hatch pattern name. If the HatchObjectType enum value is acGradientObject, then PatternName should contain one of the the gradient pattern names listed in GradientName.


Boolean; input-only

TRUE: The hatch will be associative.

FALSE: The hatch will not be associative.


HatchObjectType; optional; input-only
The default value is the AcHatchObjectType enum value of AcHatchObject. If the AcHatchObjectType enum value is AcGradientObject, then PatternType should be of type AcGradientPatternType, and PatternName should contain the gradient pattern name.


Hatch object
The newly created Hatch object.


The PatternType constant values are as follows:


Selects the pattern name from those defined in the acad.pat file.


Defines a pattern of lines using the current linetype.


Selects the pattern name from a PAT file other than the acad.pat file.

After the Hatch object is created, you must add the outer loop using the AppendOuterLoop method. The outer loop must be closed and must be created before any inner loops can be created. Inner loops are created one at a time, using the AppendInnerLoop method.

WARNING! Once the Hatch object has been created, you must append the outer loop to the Hatch object for it to become a valid AutoCAD object. If you attempt any operation other than calling the AppendOuterLoop method, AutoCAD will enter an unpredictable state.

