URLNamedLocation Example

Using Programming Languages other than VBA

Sub Example_URLNamedLocation()
	' This example creates a Circle object in model space and
	' adds a new Hyperlink to its Hyperlink collection

	Dim Hyperlinks As AcadHyperlinks
	Dim Hyperlink As AcadHyperlink
	Dim circleObj As AcadCircle
	Dim centerPoint(0 To 2) As Double
	Dim radius As Double
	Dim HLList As String

	' Define the Circle object
	centerPoint(0) = 0: centerPoint(1) = 0: centerPoint(2) = 0
	radius = 5#

	' Create the Circle object in model space
	Set circleObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(centerPoint, radius)


	' Get reference to the Circle's Hyperlinks collection
	Set Hyperlinks = circleObj.Hyperlinks

	' Add a new Hyperlink complete with all properties
	Set Hyperlink = Hyperlinks.Add("AutoDesk")
	Hyperlink.URL = "www.autodesk.com"
	Hyperlink.URLDescription = "Autodesk Main Site"
	Hyperlink.URLNamedLocation = "MY_LOCATION"

	' Read and display a list of existing Hyperlinks and
	' their properties for this object
	For Each Hyperlink In Hyperlinks
		HLList = HLList & "____________________________________" & vbCrLf   ' Separator
		HLList = HLList & "URL: " & Hyperlink.URL & vbCrLf
		HLList = HLList & "URL Description: " & Hyperlink.URLDescription & vbCrLf
		HLList = HLList & "URL Named Location: " & Hyperlink.URLNamedLocation & vbCrLf

	MsgBox "The circle has " & Hyperlinks.count & " Hyperlink: " & vbCrLf & HLList
End Sub

