HeaderSuppressed Example

Using Programming Languages other than VBA

Sub Example_HeaderSuppressed()
	' This example creates a TableStyle object and sets values for 
	' the style name and other attributes.

	Dim dictionaries As AcadDictionaries
	Set dictionaries = ThisDrawing.Database.dictionaries
	Dim dictObj As AcadDictionary
	Set dictObj = dictionaries.Item("acad_tablestyle")
	' Create the custom TableStyle object in the dictionary
	Dim keyName As String
	Dim className As String
	Dim customObj As AcadTableStyle
	keyName = "NewStyle"
	className = "AcDbTableStyle"
	Set customObj = dictObj.AddObject(keyName, className)

	customObj.Name = "NewStyle"
	customObj.Description = "New Style for My Tables"
	customObj.FlowDirection = acTableBottomToTop
	customObj.HorzCellMargin = 0.22
	customObj.BitFlags = 1
	customObj.SetTextHeight AcRowType.acDataRow+AcRowType.acTitleRow, 1.3
	Dim col As New AcadAcCmColor
	col.SetRGB 12, 23, 45
	customObj.SetBackgroundColor AcRowType.acDataRow + AcRowType.acTitleRow, col
	customObj.SetBackgroundColorNone AcRowType.acDataRow + AcRowType.acTitleRow, False
	customObj.SetGridVisibility AcGridLineType.acHorzInside + AcGridLineType.acHorzTop _
			,AcRowType.acDataRow + AcRowType.acTitleRow, True
	customObj.SetAlignment AcRowType.acDataRow + AcRowType.acTitleRow, acBottomRight
	col.SetRGB 244, 0, 0
	customObj.SetGridColor 3, 1, col

	MsgBox "Table Style Name = " & customObj.Name & vbCrLf & _
		"Style Description = " & customObj.Description & vbCrLf & _
		"Flow Direction = " & customObj.FlowDirection & vbCrLf & _
		"Horzontal Cell Margin = " & customObj.HorzCellMargin & vbCrLf & _
		"Bit Flags = " & customObj.BitFlags & vbCrLf & _
		"Title Row Text Height = " & customObj.GetTextHeight(acTitleRow) & vbCrLf & _
		"Grid Visibility for HorizontalBottom TitleRow  = " & customObj.GetGridVisibility(acHorzBottom, acTitleRow) & vbCrLf & _
		"Title Row Alignment = " & customObj.GetAlignment(acTitleRow) & vbCrLf & _
		"Header Suppression = " & customObj.HeaderSuppressed
End Sub

