ShortCutMenuDisplay Example

Using Programming Languages other than VBA

Sub Example_ShortCutMenuDisplay()
	' This example reads and toggles the preference value which controls
	' whether right-clicking in the drawing area displays a shortcut menu
	' or issues ENTER.

	Dim ACADPref As AcadPreferencesUser
	Dim originalValue As Variant, newValue As Variant
	Dim newAction As String

	' Get the drafting preferences object
	Set ACADPref = ThisDrawing.Application.preferences.User

	' Read and display the original value
	originalValue = ACADPref.ShortCutMenuDisplay
	newAction = IIf(originalValue, "displays the shortcut menu", "sends an ENTER keystroke to ACAD")
	MsgBox "Right-clicking the mouse CURRENTLY " & newAction, vbInformation

	' Modify the AutoSnapMarker preference by toggling the value
	ACADPref.ShortCutMenuDisplay = Not (originalValue)
	newValue = ACADPref.ShortCutMenuDisplay
	newAction = IIf(newValue, "display the shortcut menu", "send an ENTER keystroke to ACAD")
	MsgBox "Right-clicking the mouse over the drawing WILL NOW " & newAction, vbInformation
End Sub

