PlotOrigin Example

Using Programming Languages other than VBA

Sub Example_PlotOrigin()
	' This example reads and modifies the PlotOrigin
	' Layout value.
	' When finished, this example resets the  value back to
	' its original value.

	Dim ACADLayout As ACADLayout
	Dim originalValue As Variant
	Dim newValue(0 To 1) As Double

	' Get the layout object
	Set ACADLayout = ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout

	' Read and display the original value
	originalValue = ACADLayout.PlotOrigin
	MsgBox "The PlotOrigin value is set to: " & originalValue(0) & " ," & originalValue(1)

	' Modify the PlotOrigin preference by toggling the value
	newValue(0) = originalValue(0) + 20
	newValue(1) = originalValue(1) - 20
	ACADLayout.PlotOrigin = newValue
	MsgBox "The PlotOrigin value is set to: " & newValue(0) & " ," & newValue(1)

	' Reset the preference back to its original value
	ACADLayout.PlotOrigin = originalValue
	MsgBox "The PlotOrigin value is set to: " & originalValue(0) & " ," & originalValue(1)
End Sub

