LineSpacingDistance Example

Using Programming Languages other than VBA

Sub Example_LineSpacingDistance()
	' This example creates an MText object, displays the value of the LineSpacingDistance property,
	' changes the value of the property, and then resets the value to the original value.

	Dim MTextObj As AcadMText
	Dim width As Double
	Dim text As String
	Dim CurrentDistance As Double
	Dim corner(0 To 2) As Double
	corner(0) = 0
	corner(1) = 10
	corner(2) = 0
	width = 10
	text = "This is the text for the MText object"
	' Creates the MText Object
	Set MTextObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddMText(corner, width, text)

	' Find the current LineSpacingDistance
	CurrentDistance = MTextObj.LineSpacingDistance
	MsgBox "The LineSpacingDistance for the MText object is: " & CurrentDistance

	' Change the LineSpacingDistance
	MTextObj.LineSpacingDistance = 0.7
	MsgBox "The LineSpacingDistance for the MText object is: " & MTextObj.LineSpacingDistance

	' Reset the LineSpacingDistance
	MTextObj.LineSpacingDistance = CurrentDistance
	MsgBox "The LineSpacingDistance for the MText object is: " & MTextObj.LineSpacingDistance
End Sub

