HasExtensionDictionary Example

Using Programming Languages other than VBA

Sub Example_HasExtensionDictionary()
	' This example will iterate through each object in the current drawing and
	' determine whether that object has an associated Extension Dictionary

	Dim DrawingObject As AcadObject
	Dim ExtensionDictionaryResults As String

	' Make sure this drawing contains objects before continuing
	If ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.count = 0 Then
		MsgBox "There are no objects in the current drawing."
		Exit Sub
	End If

	For Each DrawingObject In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
		' Determine whether object contains Extension Dictionary
		Select Case DrawingObject.HasExtensionDictionary
			Case True
				ExtensionDictionaryResults = ExtensionDictionaryResults & DrawingObject.ObjectName & " has an associated Extension Dictionary" & vbCrLf
			Case False
				ExtensionDictionaryResults = ExtensionDictionaryResults & DrawingObject.ObjectName & " does not have an associated Extension Dictionary" & vbCrLf
		End Select

	MsgBox ExtensionDictionaryResults
End Sub

