GetInput Example |
Using Programming Languages other than VBA
Sub Example_GetInput() ' This example prompts for user input of a point. By using the ' InitializeUserInput method to define a keyword list, the example can also ' return keywords entered by the user. On Error Resume Next ' Define the valid keywords Dim keywordList As String keywordList = "Keyword1 Keyword2" ' Call InitializeUserInput to set up the keywords ThisDrawing.Utility.InitializeUserInput 128, keywordList ' Get the user input Dim returnPnt As Variant returnPnt = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "Enter a point(Keyword1, Keyword2): ") If Err Then If StrComp(Err.Description, "User input is a keyword", 1) = 0 Then ' One of the keywords was entered Dim inputString As String Err.Clear inputString = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetInput MsgBox "You entered the keyword: " & inputString Else MsgBox "Error selecting the point: " & Err.Description Err.Clear End If Else ' Display point coordinates MsgBox "The WCS of the point is: " & returnPnt(0) & ", " & returnPnt(1) & ", " & returnPnt(2), , "GetInput Example" End If End Sub
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