GetBitmaps Example |
Using Programming Languages other than VBA
Sub Example_GetBitmaps() ' This example uses MenuGroups to obtain a reference to the AutoCAD main menu. ' It then creates a new Toolbar (TestMenu) and inserts a ToolBarButton ' with a custom icon into it. The menu is automatically shown. ' ' * NOTE: The paths of the icons for the new toolbar should be updated ' before running this example. Dim currMenuGroup As acadMenuGroup Dim newToolBar As AcadToolbar, newToolBarButton As AcadToolbarItem Dim openMacro As String Dim SmallBitmapName As String, LargeBitmapName As String On Error GoTo ERRORTRAP ' Use MenuGroups property to obtain reference to main AutoCAD menu Set currMenuGroup = ThisDrawing.Application.MenuGroups.Item("ACAD") ' Create the new Toolbar in this group Set newToolBar = currMenuGroup.Toolbars.Add("TestMenu") ' Add an item to the new Toolbar and assign an Open macro ' (VBA equivalent of: "ESC ESC _open ") openMacro = Chr(3) & Chr(3) & Chr(95) & "open" & Chr(32) Set newToolBarButton = newToolBar.AddToolbarButton(newToolBar.count + 1, "Open", "Open Macro", openMacro, False) ' Read icon paths for this Toolbar button GoSub READPATHS ' Change the default icon (smile face) for the new toolbar button SmallBitmapName = "c:\images\16x16.bmp" ' Use a 16x16 pixel .BMP image LargeBitmapName = "c:\images\32x32.bmp" ' Use a 32x32 pixel .BMP image newToolBarButton.SetBitmaps SmallBitmapName, LargeBitmapName ' Read icon paths for this Toolbar button GoSub READPATHS Exit Sub
READPATHS: ' Read icon paths for this Toolbar button newToolBarButton.GetBitmaps SmallBitmapName, LargeBitmapName MsgBox "The new Toolbar uses the following icon files: " & _ vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Small Bitmap: " & SmallBitmapName & vbCrLf & _ "Large Bitmap: " & LargeBitmapName Return
ERRORTRAP: MsgBox "The following error has occurred: " & Err.Description End Sub
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