ExtLine2StartPoint Example

Using Programming Languages other than VBA

Sub Example_ExtLine2StartPoint()
	' This example creates an angular dimension. It then changes
	' the location of the ExtLine2StartPoint.

	Dim dimObj As AcadDimAngular
	Dim angVert(0 To 2) As Double
	Dim FirstPoint(0 To 2) As Double
	Dim SecondPoint(0 To 2) As Double
	Dim TextPoint(0 To 2) As Double

	' Define the dimension
	angVert(0) = 0#: angVert(1) = 5#: angVert(2) = 0#
	FirstPoint(0) = 1#: FirstPoint(1) = 7#: FirstPoint(2) = 0#
	SecondPoint(0) = 1#: SecondPoint(1) = 3#: SecondPoint(2) = 0#
	TextPoint(0) = 3#: TextPoint(1) = 5#: TextPoint(2) = 0#

	' Create the angular dimension in model space
	Set dimObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddDimAngular(angVert, FirstPoint, SecondPoint, TextPoint)
	MsgBox "The current value of ExtLine2StartPoint is " & dimObj.ExtLine2StartPoint(0) & ", " & dimObj.ExtLine2StartPoint(1) & ", " & dimObj.ExtLine2StartPoint(2), vbInformation, "ExtLine2StartPoint Example"

	' Change the start point of the second extension line
	FirstPoint(0) = 1: FirstPoint(1) = 4: FirstPoint(2) = 0
	dimObj.ExtLine2StartPoint = FirstPoint

	' Return the start point of the second extension line
	' Note that the return value is a Variant
	Dim retPnt As Variant
	retPnt = dimObj.ExtLine2StartPoint
	MsgBox "The new value of ExtLine2StartPoint is " & dimObj.ExtLine2StartPoint(0) & ", " & dimObj.ExtLine2StartPoint(1) & ", " & dimObj.ExtLine2StartPoint(2), vbInformation, "ExtLine2StartPoint Example"
End Sub

