DisplayGripsWithinBlocks Example

Using Programming Languages other than VBA

Sub Example_DisplayGripsWithinBlocks()
	' This example reads and modifies the preference value that controls
	' the assignment of grips within blocks.
	' When finished, this example resets the preference value back to
	' its original value.

	Dim ACADPref As AcadPreferencesSelection
	Dim originalValue As Variant, newValue As Variant

	' Get the selection preferences object
	Set ACADPref = ThisDrawing.Application.preferences.Selection

	' Read and display the original value
	originalValue = ACADPref.DisplayGripsWithinBlocks
	MsgBox "The DisplayGripsWithinBlocks preference is set to: " & originalValue

	' Modify the DisplayGripsWithinBlocks preference by toggling the value
	ACADPref.DisplayGripsWithinBlocks = Not (originalValue)
	newValue = ACADPref.DisplayGripsWithinBlocks
	MsgBox "The DisplayGripsWithinBlocks preference has been set to: " & newValue

	' Reset the preference back to its original value
	' * Note: Comment out this last section to leave the change to
	'		 this preference in effect
	ACADPref.DisplayGripsWithinBlocks = originalValue
	MsgBox "The DisplayGripsWithinBlocks preference was reset back to: " & originalValue
End Sub


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