Color Example

Using Programming Languages other than VBA

Sub Example_Color()
	' This example creates a polyline and colors it red.
	' It then displays the current color setting for the polyline.
	Dim plineObj As AcadPolyline
	Dim currentcolor As Variant

	' Create Polyline
	Dim points(8) As Double
	points(0) = 3: points(1) = 7: points(2) = 0
	points(3) = 9: points(4) = 2: points(5) = 0
	points(6) = 3: points(7) = 5: points(8) = 0

	Set plineObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddPolyline(points)

	' First set the color of the object to Red
	plineObj.Color = acRed
	ThisDrawing.Regen (True)

	' Now retrieve and display the Color property
	currentcolor = plineObj.Color

	' Translate the color from a number into text
	If currentcolor = 256 Then
		currentcolor = "By Layer"
		currentcolor = Choose(currentcolor + 1, "By Block", "Red", "Yellow", "Green", "Cyan", "Blue", "Magenta", "White")
	End If
	' Display
	MsgBox "The Polyline color is: " & currentcolor, vbInformation, "Color Example"
End Sub

