AngleToString Example

Using Programming Languages other than VBA

Sub Example_AngleToString()
	' This example converts a radian value to several different
	' strings representing the value in different units.

	Dim angAsRad As Double
	Dim unit As Integer
	Dim precision As Long
	Dim angAsString As String
	angAsRad = 0.785398163397448
	unit = acDegrees
	precision = 6

	' Convert the radian value to degrees with a precision of 6
	angAsString = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleToString(angAsRad, unit, precision)
	MsgBox "0.785398163397448 radians =  " & angAsString & " degrees", , "AngleAsString Example"

	' Convert the radian value to degrees/Minutes/Seconds with a precision of 6
	unit = acDegreeMinuteSeconds
	angAsString = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleToString(angAsRad, unit, precision)
	MsgBox "0.785398163397448 radians =  " & angAsString, , "AngleAsString Example"

	' Convert the radian value to grads with a precision of 6
	unit = acGrads
	angAsString = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleToString(angAsRad, unit, precision)
	MsgBox "0.785398163397448 radians =  " & angAsString, , "AngleAsString Example"

End Sub

