Common Group Codes for Entities. For information about abbreviations and formatting used in this table, see Formatting Conventions in This Reference.
The following group codes apply to attrib (attribute) entities. In addition to the group codes described here, seeAttrib group codes |
Group code |
Description |
100 |
Subclass marker (AcDbText) |
39 |
Thickness (optional; default = 0) |
10 |
Text start point (in OCS) DXF: X value; APP: 3D point |
20, 30 |
DXF: Y and Z values of text start point (in OCS) |
40 |
Text height |
1 |
Default value (string) |
100 |
Subclass marker (AcDbAttribute) |
2 |
Attribute tag (string; cannot contain spaces) |
70 |
Attribute flags: 1 = Attribute is invisible (does not appear) 2 = This is a constant attribute 4 = Verification is required on input of this attribute 8 = Attribute is preset (no prompt during insertion) |
73 |
Field length (optional; default = 0) (not currently used) |
50 |
Text rotation (optional; default = 0) |
41 |
Relative X scale factor (width) (optional; default = 1). This value is also adjusted when fit-type text is used |
51 |
Oblique angle (optional; default = 0) |
7 |
Text style name (optional; default =STANDARD) |
71 |
Text generation flags (optional; default =0). See TEXT group codes |
72 |
Horizontal text justification type (optional; default = 0). See TEXT group codes |
74 |
Vertical text justification type (optional; default = 0). See group code 73 inTEXT |
11 |
Alignment point (in OCS) (optional) DXF: X value; APP: 3D point Present only if 72 or 74 group is present and nonzero |
21, 31 |
DXF: Y and Z values of alignment point (in OCS) (optional) |
210 |
Extrusion direction. Present only if the entity's extrusion direction is not parallel to the WCS Z axis (optional; default = 0, 0, 1) DXF: X value; APP: 3D vector |
220, 230 |
DXF: Y and Z values of extrusion direction (optional) |
280 |
Lock position flag. Locks the position of the attribute within the block reference |
100 |
Subclass marker (AcDbXrecord) |
280 |
Duplicate record cloning flag (determines how to merge duplicate entries): 1 = Keep existing |
70 |
MText flag: 2 = multiline attribute 4 = constant multiline attribute definition |
70 |
isReallyLocked flag: 0 = unlocked 1 = locked |
70 |
Number of secondary attributes or attribute definitions |
340 |
Hard-pointer id of secondary attribute(s) or attribute definition(s) |
10 |
Alignment point of attribute or attribute definition DXF: X value; APP: 3D point |
20,30 |
DXF: Y and Z values of insertion point |
40 |
current annotation scale |
2 |
attribute or attribute definition tag string |
0 |
Entity type (MTEXT) |
100 |
Subclass marker (AcDbEntity) |
67 |
Absent or zero indicates entity is in model space. 1 indicates entity is in paper space (optional) |
8 |
Layer name |
100 |
Subclass marker (AcDbMText) |
10 |
Insertion point DXF: X value; APP: 3D point |
20,30 |
DXF: Y and Z values of insertion point |
40 |
Nominal (initial) text height |
41 |
Reference rectangle width |
46 |
Defined annotation height |
71 |
Attachment point: 1 = Top left; 2 = Top center; 3 = Top right 4 = Middle left; 5 = Middle center; 6 =Middle right 7 = Bottom left; 8 = Bottom center; 9 =Bottom right |
72 |
Drawing direction: 1 = Left to right 3 = Top to bottom 5 = By style (the flow direction is inherited from the associated text style) |
1 |
Text string If the text string is less than 250 characters, all characters appear in group 1. If the text string is greater than 250 characters, the string is divided into 250-character chunks, which appear in one or more group 3 codes. If group 3 codes are used, the last group is a group 1 and has fewer than 250 characters. |
3 |
Additional text (always in 250-character chunks) (optional) |
7 |
DXF: X value; APP: 3D vectText style name (STANDARD if not provided) (optional) |
210 |
Extrusion direction (optional; default = 0, 0, 1) DXF: X value; APP: 3D vector |
220,230 |
DXF: Y and Z values of extrusion direction (optional) |
11 |
X-axis direction vector (in WCS) DXF: X value; APP: 3D vector |
21,31 |
DXF: Y and Z values of X-axis direction vector (in WCS) |
42 |
Horizontal width of the characters that make up the mtext entity. This value will always be equal to or less than the value of group code 41 (read-only, ignored if supplied). |
43 |
Vertical height of the mtext entity (read-only, ignored if supplied) |
50 |
Rotation angle in radians |
73 |
Mtext line spacing style (optional): 1 = At least (taller characters will override) 2 = Exact (taller characters will not override) |
44 |
Mtext line spacing factor (optional): Percentage of default (3-on-5) line spacing to be applied. Valid values range from 0.25 to 4.00 |
90 |
Background fill setting: 0 = Background fill off 1 = Use background fill color 2 = Use drawing window color as background fill color |
63 |
Background color (if color index number) |
420-429 |
Background color (if RGB color) |
430-439 |
Background color (if color name) |
45 |
Fill box scale (optional): Determines how much border is around the text. |
63 |
Background fill color (optional): Color to use for background fill when group code 90 is 1. |
441 |
Transparency of background fill color (not implemented) |
If group 72 and/or 74 values are nonzero then the text insertion point values are ignored, and new values are calculated by AutoCAD based on the text alignment point and the length of the text string itself (after applying the text style). If the 72 and 74 values are zero or missing, then the text alignment point is ignored and recalculated based on the text insertion point and the length of the text string itself (after applying the text style).