Common Group Codes for Entities. For information about abbreviations and formatting used in this table, see Formatting Conventions in This Reference.
The following group codes apply to spline entities. In addition to the group codes described here, seeSpline group codes |
Group code |
Description |
100 |
Subclass marker (AcDbSpline) |
210 |
Normal vector (omitted if the spline is nonplanar) DXF: X value; APP: 3D vector |
220, 230 |
DXF: Y and Z values of normal vector (optional) |
70 |
Spline flag (bit coded): 1 = Closed spline 2 = Periodic spline 4 = Rational spline 8 = Planar 16 = Linear (planar bit is also set) |
71 |
Degree of the spline curve |
72 |
Number of knots |
73 |
Number of control points |
74 |
Number of fit points (if any) |
42 |
Knot tolerance (default = 0.0000001) |
43 |
Control-point tolerance (default =0.0000001) |
44 |
Fit tolerance (default = 0.0000000001) |
12 |
Start tangent—may be omitted (in WCS) DXF: X value; APP: 3D point |
22, 32 |
DXF: Y and Z values of start tangent—may be omitted (in WCS) |
13 |
End tangent—may be omitted (in WCS) DXF: X value; APP: 3D point |
23, 33 |
DXF: Y and Z values of end tangent—may be omitted (in WCS) |
40 |
Knot value (one entry per knot) |
41 |
Weight (if not 1); with multiple group pairs, they are present if all are not 1 |
10 |
Control points (in WCS); one entry per control point DXF: X value; APP: 3D point |
20, 30 |
DXF: Y and Z values of control points (in WCS); one entry per control point |
11 |
Fit points (in WCS); one entry per fit point DXF: X value; APP: 3D point |
21, 31 |
DXF: Y and Z values of fit points (in WCS); one entry per fit point |