Common Group Codes for Objects. For information about abbreviations and formatting used in this table, see Formatting Conventions in This Reference.
The following group codes are used by MATERIAL objects. In addition to the group codes described here, seeMATERIAL group codes |
Group code |
Description |
0 |
Object name (MATERIAL) |
5 |
Handle |
102 |
Start of persistent reactors group; always “{ACAD_REACTORS” (The persistent reactors group appears in all dictionaries except the main dictionary.) |
330 |
Soft-pointer ID/handle to owner dictionary. For MATERIAL objects, this is always the ACAD_MATERIAL entry of the named object dictionary. |
102 |
End of persistent reactors group; always “}” |
100 |
Subclass marker (AcDbMaterial) |
1 |
Material name (string) |
2 |
Description (string, default null string) |
70 |
Ambient color method (default = 0): 0 = Use current color 1 = Override current color |
40 |
Ambient color factor (real, default = 1.0; valid range is 0.0 to 1.0) |
90 |
Ambient color value (unsigned 32-bit integer representing an AcCmEntityColor) |
71 |
Diffuse color method (default = 0): 0 = Use current color 1 = Override current color |
41 |
Diffuse color factor (real, default = 1.0; valid range is 0.0 to 1.0) |
91 |
Diffuse color value (unsigned 32-bit integer representing an AcCmEntityColor) |
42 |
Diffuse map blend factor (real, default =1.0) |
72 |
Diffuse map source (default = 1): 0 = Use current scene 1 = Use image file (specified by file name; null file name specifies no map) |
3 |
Diffuse map file name (string, default = null string) |
73 |
Projection method of diffuse map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Planar 2 = Box 3 = Cylinder 4 = Sphere |
74 |
Tiling method of diffuse map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Tile 2 = Crop 3 = Clamp |
75 |
Auto transform method of diffuse map mapper (bitset, default = 1): 1= No auto transform 2 = Scale mapper to current entity extents; translate mapper to entity origin 4 = Include current block transform in mapper transform |
43 |
Transform matrix of diffuse map mapper (16 reals; row major format; default = identity matrix) |
44 |
Specular gloss factor (real, default =0.5) |
76 |
Specular color method (default = 0): 0 = Use current color 1 = Override current color |
45 |
Specular color factor (real, default = 1.0; valid range is 0.0 to 1.0) |
92 |
Specular color value (unsigned 32-bit integer representing an AcCmEntityColor) |
46 |
Specular map blend factor (real; default =1.0) |
77 |
Specular map source (default = 1): 0 = Use current scene 1 = Use image file (specified by file name; null file name specifies no map) |
4 |
Specular map file name (string; default =null string) |
78 |
Projection method of specular map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Planar 2 = Box 3 = Cylinder 4 = Sphere |
79 |
Tiling method of specular map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Tile 2 = Crop 3 = Clamp |
170 |
Auto transform method of specular map mapper (bitset; default = 1): 1 = No auto transform 2 = Scale mapper to current entity extents; translate mapper to entity origin 4 = Include current block transform in mapper transform |
47 |
Transform matrix of specular map mapper (16 reals; row major format; default = identity matrix) |
48 |
Blend factor of reflection map (real, default = 1.0) |
171 |
Reflection map source (default = 1): 0 = Use current scene 1 = Use image file (specified by file name; null file name specifies no map) |
6 |
Reflection map file name (string; default =null string) |
172 |
Projection method of reflection map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Planar 2 = Box 3 = Cylinder 4 = Sphere |
173 |
Tiling method of reflection map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Tile 2 = Crop 3 = Clamp |
174 |
Auto transform method of reflection map mapper (bitset; default = 1): 1 = No auto transform 2 = Scale mapper to current entity extents; translate mapper to entity origin 4 = Include current block transform in mapper transform |
49 |
Transform matrix of reflection map mapper (16 reals; row major format; default = identity matrix) |
140 |
Opacity percent (real; default = 1.0) |
141 |
Blend factor of opacity map (real; default =1.0) |
175 |
Opacity map source (default = 1): 0 = Use current scene 1 = Use image file (specified by file name; null file name specifies no map) |
7 |
Opacity map file name (string; default = null string) |
176 |
Projection method of opacity map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Planar 2 = Box 3 = Cylinder 4 = Sphere |
177 |
Tiling method of opacity map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Tile 2 = Crop 3 = Clamp |
178 |
Auto transform method of opacity map mapper (bitset; default = 1): 1 = No auto transform 2 = Scale mapper to current entity extents; translate mapper to entity origin 4 = Include current block transform in mapper transform |
142 |
Transform matrix of opacity map mapper (16 reals; row major format; default = identity matrix) |
143 |
Blend factor of bump map (real; default =1.0) |
179 |
Bump map source (default = 1): 0 = Use current scene 1 = Use image file (specified by file name; null file name specifies no map) |
8 |
Bump map file name (string; default = null string) |
270 |
Projection method of bump map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Planar 2 = Box 3 = Cylinder 4 = Sphere |
271 |
Tiling method of bump map mapper (default =1): 1 = Tile 2 = Crop 3 = Clamp |
272 |
Auto transform method of bump map mapper (bitset; default = 1): 1 = No auto transform 2 = Scale mapper to current entity extents; translate mapper to entity origin 4 = Include current block transform in mapper transform |
144 |
Transform matrix of bump map mapper (16 reals; row major format; default = identity matrix) |
145 |
Refraction index (real; default = 1.0) |
146 |
Blend factor of refraction map (real; default = 1.0) |
273 |
Refraction map source (default = 1): 0 = Use current scene 1 = Use image file (specified by file name; null file name specifies no map) |
9 |
Refraction map file name (string; default =null string) |
274 |
Projection method of refraction map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Planar 2 = Box 3 = Cylinder 4 = Sphere |
275 |
Tiling method of refraction map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Tile 2 = Crop 3 = Clamp |
276 |
Auto transform method of refraction map mapper (bitset; default = 1): 1 = No auto transform 2 = Scale mapper to current entity extents; translate mapper to entity origin 4 = Include current block transform in mapper transform |
147 |
Transform matrix of refraction map mapper (16 reals; row major format; default = identity matrix) |
460 |
Color Bleed Scale |
461 | Indirect Dump Scale |
462 | Reflectance Scale |
463 |
Transmittance Scale |
290 | Two-sided Material |
464 | Luminance |
270 | Luminance Mode |
271 |
Normal Map Method |
465 | Normal Map Strength |
42 | Normal Map Blend Factor |
72 |
Normal Map Source |
3 | Normal Map Source File Name |
73 | Normal Mapper Projection |
74 | Normal Mapper Tiling |
75 | Normal Mapper Auto Transform |
43 | Normal Mapper Transform |
293 | Materials Anonymous |
272 | Global Illumination Mode |
273 | Final Gather Mode |
300 |
GenProcName |
291 | GenProcValBool |
271 | GenProcValInt |
469 | GenProcValReal |
301 | GenProcValText |
292 | GenProcTableEnd |
62 | GenProcValColorIndex |
420 | GenProcValColorRGB |
430 | GenProcValColorName |
270 | Map UTile |
271 | Map VTile |