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Create and Use Tools from Objects and Images
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To add or remove a tool flyout

  1. On a tool palette, right-click the geometric object tool or the dimension tool whose flyout you want to add or remove. Click Properties.
  2. In the Tool Properties dialog box, under Command, click in the Use Flyout box.
  3. In the drop-down list, select Yes if you want to add a flyout, or select No if you want to remove one.
  4. Click OK.
    NoteIf you remove the flyout from a tool but then add the flyout back, the image, name, and description (the tooltip) that are shown on the tool palette for each tool on the flyout will not be accurate. To correct this, you must return the image, name, and description of the flyout tool to the default settings. See To change the image, name, and description of a flyout tool to the default settings.
 Toolbar: Standard 
 Command entry: TOOLPALETTES

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