Procedural Maps

To nest a procedural map within another procedural map

  1. Click Tools menu; Palettes; Materials.
  2. In the Materials window, in the Available Materials in Drawing panel, select the Create a New Material button.
  3. Select the Realistic material type.
  4. Select Diffuse Map and select Checker as the map type.
  5. Click the down arrow button for the Click for Checker Settings for additional property settings for the map.
  6. For Color 1, select Speckle as the map type. For Color 2, select Wood as the map type.
  7. After changes are made, at the top of the properties settings window next to the Nested Map Navigation name display and down arrow button, click the icon Up One Level to Parent Map to return to the top level map. It is an icon with three circles and an up arrow.
  8. To display a larger view of the material swatch, click the Preview Map Channel Procedural Results button. It is the last button in the Diffuse Map area with a cube and magnifying glass. You will see how the nested maps patterned in the checkers.
  9. Click the drop down arrow in the Nested Map Navigation panel. You will see the nested list of the material. The list will show the Material name, Diffuse Map: Checker, Color 1: Speckle, and Color 2: Wood.
  10. The Map Synchronize toggle button can enable any change of Tiling & Scaling or Offset & Preview at the nested level to affect all map levels. If control of the Tiling & Scaling or Offset & Preview needs to be at the nested level, then disable the Map Synchronization toggle button.
NoteEach procedural map type has different property settings available. Refer to the specific property settings described under the Map Property Settings topic found under the MATERIALS command.

After making changes to the material you can Apply Materials to Objects and Faces of an object.

 Toolbar: Render