Access Buzzsaw for Project Collaboration
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To send a transmittal set to Buzzsaw

  1. Click File menu ETransmit.At the Command prompt, enter etransmit.
  2. In the Create Transmittal dialog box, click OK.
  3. In the Specify Zip File dialog box, in the Places list, click the Buzzsaw icon.

    Buzzsaw Location Shortcuts is displayed in the Save In box. Existing Buzzsaw shortcuts are displayed in the Site column.

  4. Double-click an existing shortcut or create a new shortcut.
    NoteIf you have not logged into the site, the Log In To Buzzsaw dialog box is displayed. After logging in, you go to the location defined by that shortcut.
  5. Click Save.

    The transmittal package is created.

 Toolbar: Standard 
 Command entry: OPEN

508 Resource Limit Is Reached

Resource Limit Is Reached

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