Access Buzzsaw for Project Collaboration

To add a Buzzsaw location shortcut

  1. In a file navigation dialog box that supports Buzzsaw, in the Places list, click the Buzzsaw icon.

    Buzzsaw Location Shortcuts is displayed in the Look In box along with any configured Buzzsaw shortcuts.

  2. Right-click a Buzzsaw shortcut. Click Add a Buzzsaw Location Shortcut.
  3. In the Log In To Buzzsaw Site dialog box, under Buzzsaw Site, select the location for the Buzzsaw site to access.
  4. Under Login, Buzzsaw User Name, enter a login name, if necessary.

    (The user name is provided to you by the person granting you access to the Buzzsaw site.)

  5. Under Login, Password, enter a password. Click OK.
    NoteCheck the box, Save Login Name and Password, if you want to save your login name and password on this computer for future use.
  6. In the Create a Buzzsaw Location Shortcut dialog box, under Select a Buzzsaw Folder, Project, or Document Set, click the Browse button to navigate to the location of the project or folder.
  7. In the directory tree of the Select a Buzzsaw Location dialog box, click the site name to view the contents and navigate to either a project or folder. Click OK.

    The path is now displayed in the Create a Buzzsaw Location Shortcut dialog box, under Select a Buzzsaw Folder, Project, or Document Set.

  8. Under Enter a Name for This Buzzsaw Location Shortcut, enter a name. Click OK.

    This folder name is added to the Site list in the navigation dialog box.

 Toolbar: Standard 
 Command entry: OPEN