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Overview of Plotting
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To plot a drawing

  1. Click File menu Plot.At the Command prompt, enter plot.
  2. In the Plot dialog box, under Printer/Plotter, select a plotter from the Name list.
  3. Under Paper Size, select a paper size from the Paper Size box.
  4. (Optional) Under Number of Copies, enter the number of copies to plot.
  5. Under Plot Area, specify the portion of your drawing to plot.
  6. Under Plot Scale, select a scale from the Scale box.
  7. For more options, click the More Options button.

  8. (Optional) Under Plot Style Table (Pen Assignments), select a plot style table from the Name box.
  9. (Optional) Under Shaded Viewport Options and Plot Options, select any appropriate settings.
    NotePlot stamping happens at plot time and is not saved with the drawing.
  10. Under Drawing Orientation, select an orientation.
  11. Click OK.
 Toolbar: Standard 
 Command entry: PLOT
 Shortcut menu: Right-click the Model tab or a layout tab and click Plot.

To plot at the command prompt instead of in a dialog box, use -PLOT.

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