gp:getPointInput function, control was automatically passed from VLISP to AutoCAD. You responded to three prompts, after which control was passed back from AutoCAD to VLISP, and a T symbol displayed in the Console window.
When you ran theWithin the program, here's what happens:
gp:getPointInput, as highlighted in the following code:
You need some way to return values from one function to another. One way to do this is to create a list of the values retrieved from(defun gp:getPointInput ( / StartPt EndPt HalfWidth )
(if (setq StartPt (getpoint "\nStart point of path: "))
(if (setq EndPt (getpoint StartPt "\nEndpoint of path: "))
(if (setq HalfWidth (getdist EndPt "\nhalf-width of path: "))
(list StartPt EndPt HalfWidth)
gp:getPointInput into the Console window and press ENTER. Here's an opportunity to try another feature of the Console window.
Copy this version ofTo use the Console window history feature to run gp:getPointInput
This invokes the Console history command, cycling through any commands previously entered in the Console window. If you go too far, press SHIFT + TAB to cycle in the other direction.
The function returns a list containing two nested lists and a real (floating point) value. The return values look like the following:
((4.46207 4.62318 0.0) (7.66688 4.62318 0.0) 0.509124)
StartPt,EndPt, and HalfWidth variables.
These values correspond to the