Displays an AutoCAD slide in the currently active dialog box image tile
(slide_image x1 y1 width height sldname)
X-offset from the upper-left corner of the tile, in pixels. Must be a positive value.
Y-offset from the upper-left corner of the tile, in pixels. Must be a positive value.
Width of the image, in pixels.
Height of the image, in pixels.
Creating Images topic in the AutoLISP Developer's Guide ). Use one of the following formats for sldname:
Identifies the slide. This argument can be a slide file (.sld) or a slide in a slide library file (.slb). Specify sldname the same way you would specify it for the VSLIDE command or for a menu file (see thesldnameorlibname(sldname)
dimx_tile and dimy_tile).
The first (upper-left) corner of the slide—its insertion point—is located at (x1,y1), and the second (lower-right) corner is located at the relative distance (wid,hgt) from the first (wid and hgt must be positive values). The origin (0,0) is the upper-left corner of the image. You obtain the coordinates of the lower-right corner by calling the dimension functions (Return Values
A string containing sldname.
(dimx_tile "slide_tile")
(dimy_tile "slide_tile")