Returns the length of the curve's segment from the curve's beginning to the specified parameter
(vlax-curve-getDistAtParam curve-objparam)
The VLA-object to be measured.
A number specifying a parameter on the curve.
Return Values
A real number that is the length up to the specified parameter, if successful; otherwiseExamples
splineObj points to the spline in the following drawing:
Assume that
Sample curve (spline) for vlax-curve-getDistAtParam
Obtain the start parameter of the curve:
_$ (setq startSpline (vlax-curve-getStartParam splineObj))
The curve starts at parameter 0.
Obtain the end parameter of the curve:
_$ (setq endSpline (vlax-curve-getEndParam splineObj))
The curve's end parameter is 17.1546.
Determine the distance to the parameter midway along the curve:
_$ (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam splineObj
( / (- endspline startspline) 2))
The distance from the start to the middle of the curve is 8.99417.