Calls the specified ActiveX method
(vlax-invoke-method obj method arg [arg...])
vlax-invoke prior to AutoCAD 2000.
This function was known asArguments
A VLA-object.
A symbol or string naming the method to be called.
Argument to be passed to the method called. No argument type checking is performed.
Return Values
Depends on the method invoked.
The following example uses the AddCircle method to draw a circle in the current AutoCAD drawing.
vlax-3d-point to convert an AutoLISP point list to the required variant data type:
The first argument to AddCircle specifies the location of the center of the circle. The method requires the center to be specified as a variant containing a three-element array of doubles. You can use_$ (setq circCenter (vlax-3d-point '(3.0 3.0 0.0)))
#<variant 8197 ...>
vlax-invoke-method to draw a circle with the AddCircle method:
Now use_$ (setq mycircle (vlax-invoke-method mspace 'AddCircle circCenter 3.0))
#<VLA-OBJECT IAcadCircle 00bfd6e4>
vlax-get-property, vlax-method-applicable-p, vlax-property-available-p, and vlax-put-property functions.