Constructs an editor reactor object that notifies of a change to the bitmaps in a toolbar
(vlr-toolbar-reactor data callbacks)
nil if no data.
Any AutoLISP data to be associated with the reactor object; otherwiseA list of pairs of the following form:
(event-name . callback_function)
where event-name is one of the symbols listed in the “Toolbar reactor events” table below, and callback_function is a symbol representing a function to be called when the event fires. Each callback function accepts two arguments:
reactor_object The VLR object that called the callback function.
list A list of extra data elements associated with the particular event. The contents of this list for particular events are shown in the “Toolbar reactor callback data” table.
Return Values
The reactor_object argument.
Toolbar reactor events |
Event name |
Description |
:vlr-toolbarBitmapSizeWillChange |
The size of the AutoCAD toolbar icons is about to change. |
:vlr-toolbarBitmapSizeChanged |
The size of the AutoCAD toolbar icons has changed. |
Toolbar reactor callback data |
Name |
List length |
Parameters |
:vlr-toolbarBitmapSizeWillChange :vlr-toolbarBitmapSizeChanged |
1 |
T, if the toolbar is being set to large bitmaps; nil if the toolbar is being set to small bitmaps. |